32; Down The Garbage Disposal

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𝙽𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟶-𝟷𝟷𝚝𝚑, 𝚃𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚍𝚊𝚢 & 𝚆𝚎𝚍𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚍𝚊𝚢
Parker POV

As I watch Miles walk away, my inner voice screams, Dude, go stop him! He's getting away!

Yet my feet don't move, even when I will them to try. I'm mortified at myself and how rooted I am. One of my worst nightmares almost came to life, but at the expense of the person I love the most getting crushed.

I don't know what to do. All of the chances I had to fix this mess are shot. Miles probably hates me, and that's only because I'm not man enough to admit two simple words.

"What was that gay bullshit? Should someone call that kids probation officer for sexual coercion?" Luke pipes up.

I go rigid, partially because of the racial discrimination and unfairness towards Miles but also because my clique doesn't know the full story. None of them are quiet about their distaste toward Miles right now. I start to wonder, would they say the same thing about me too? *

"Hey, Luke," Griffin says as he walks over to the table and sets his lunch tray down like a gavel on the table. His orange flies off and rolls onto the floor. "Have you ever tried shutting the fuck up? No one gives a damn about your conspiracy theories. If you're that worried about Black Beauty, go suck his dick and find out some real facts. Then come talk shit."

A collective ohhhh sounds around the table. Even Rose gasps, slapping a hand over her mouth at her brother's outburst.

The sound of scuffling shoes on the tile finally uproots me, making me whip around quickly to face my friends. Luke is on his feet and looks ready to jump over the table. He's pointing at a very unnaturally poised Griffin. I recognize that look on my cousin's face; it's the calm before the storm. He wants the excuse for a fight.

"Want to say that again to my face, bitch?" Luke seethes, spittle flying.

"Get down on my level first. Cunt."

"Good god!" I burst out and throw my hands up in frustration. "Get over yourselves. This should not be such a big deal! Acting like a bunch of idiots..." I keep mumbling and throw my apple down on the table. Not like I was planning on eating it, anyhow.

Rose's eyes widen in worry, and she starts to stand, but I point at her. "Sit down. You're all pissing me off. I'm going to go." I swivel, leaving nearly as fast as Miles did.

If any of them say anything, I don't hear it as I walk away. It's difficult to keep my eyes up and look past all the gaping faces and judgmental glares. It's like everyone in this school can suddenly see right through me.

My footsteps echo in the empty hallway once I leave the bustle of the lunchroom behind me. It's a long shot to go looking for Miles, but I need to tell him... Tell him... what, exactly?

That I'm sorry for refusing him in front of my friends when I promised I was ready for this? That I feel for him one way behind closed doors, yet the second that anyone else is involved, I want to puke up blood? That I haven't known anything but being criticized for everything in my life, and I don't want him to be judged on my behalf too?

I really took this mess of a relationship, microwaved it, and turned it into a whole new sloppy monstrosity. There's no way that I can fix this, yet I still need to try.

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