24; Where's My Grammy?

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𝙾𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟹𝟷𝚜𝚝, 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚢
Miles POV

So, the thing about those dumb kisses is that I can't stop thinking about them. About Parker.

Each time I try to untangle the thoughts inside my brain, I feel like a kid again, trying to straighten out my Abuela's necklaces; whenever it seems like I'm making progress, I look down, and the knot gets even bigger. At least she would pay me a dollar by the time I finished.

All that Parker is giving me is a fuckin' migraine.

One month ago, he was going on an I'm not gay tangent, and his cousin was damn-near threatening to kill me if I dared to make a move.

A few weeks later, Parker is the one moving in on me. Someone's gotta explain the math to me because this shit ain't adding up.

Don't get me wrong; I'm not mad about it. I'm only confused as hell.

My heart beats unusually fast as I walk up to the front door with those thoughts in the corner of my mind. Dropping out of this Halloween party would have been the smart thing to do after the Friday night Parker and I had. Yet here I stand.

Inhaling slowly, I raise my knuckles above the door and hesitate.

The door suddenly whips open so fast that I startle, which scares the person on the other side.

"Alright, well— Shit! Oh, I'm sorry! Excuse my language," Parker's dad stutters over his words in a manner so much like his son that I hold down a grin. Or Parker is the one who picked up that trait from his father.

"No worries, trust me when I say I've heard far worse. Emmett, right?" I smile and put on my best valiant face, even though I know exactly what his name is.

Emmett grins apologetically and backpedals from the door to wave me in. "Yes, you've got it. And you're Miles, Parker's new friend. I'm glad you could come and keep an eye on these troublemakers."

"You don't know Miles well enough. I'll be the one keeping him out of trouble." Parker laughs and comes around the corner as I step inside. His shoulders visibly sag as I slip my shoes off, the tension melting off his face as our eyes meet.

"I already locked the alcohol cabinet, so I'm sure you kids can't do much damage," Quinn says as she comes around the corner, her shiny blonde hair coiled in curls down her shoulders. "Miles! It's good to see you again!"

"You too, ma'am." I step out of his parents' way and take in their fancy outfits. "Date night?"

"Yep. We figured we'd leave you kids alone to enjoy your night. We have reservations at Quince." Emmett lifts his wrist and glances at his watch. "Speaking of, we have to be there in thirty minutes darling, we better mosey. See you guys later?"

"Sounds good. Later," Parker says and accepts a hug from his mom as they both head out the door.

Our goodbyes follow them outside, and I turn to Parker once they're gone. "Can you guys adopt me?"

"Shut up." Parker grins and elbows me as he walks away. I don't miss the way his eyes sweep over my body before he completely puts his back to me.

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