*it's about time (p-2)*

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~y/n pov~

wow, maybe rushing into the clouds was not the best idea. you get lightheaded you know. but I made it to school ahead of schedule, I just landed on the roof and then went through the doors there. i was walking to my locker when I overheard william talking to mark about the battle that went down at the whitehouse. 

"maular twins attack the whitehouse? nuts, right?" said william. 

"i saw." mark replied with a bored tone. 

so they saw the news too huh? mark feels really calm about this situation, but then again in the world we live in, i guess this is normal. 

"i can't believe the guardians of the globe let them get that close to killing the president!" william said with a shocked tone. 

"they didn't even get into the building, and omni-man was there too." said mark. 

"you're such an omni-maniac." said william. 

"yeah, because omni-man is one of the best superheroes we have on earth right now will." i interjected in their conversation. 

"wow, she's here and talking? and with no comic book/ textbook in hand? who are you and what have you done with y/n?" said william with a fake shocked tone. "also, did you do like a blowout on your hair? it looks like you've been through a windstorm.". 

"well ouch, and also i kinda ran out of the house today, after being distracted with the news i was almost late!" i exclaimed 

"i think your hair looks good like that y/n. and thank you for coming, i know that william was about to go on a rant about how "sexy" omni-man is." said mark. 

a wave of heat rushed to my face. being complimented i was kinda used to, especially when i don't wear my glasses, but from mark it made my stomach feel weird. but i quickly recovered and said this in response: 

"why? you don't love william expressing how hot omni-man is, especially with that mustache?" i said in my best william voice. 

Mark burst out laughing saying something like "not you too!". 

but william looked absolutely shocked. i never talk but with this newfound confidence with rebelling against my dad, i felt i could say something. 

"anyways, are any of you up for clash crash tonight? I'm hoping for a level 43 chest armor." replied william, changing the subject. 

mark just looks back in his locker and sighs. i look at the window, i can't play because as soon as i go home it's back to the books, so i never have time to play with them sadly. 

"y/n i already know your excuse, I've heard it too many times." william said with a bored tone. "but mark, don't bring up that stupid job man, don't be that person!" 

"when was the last time you bought a comic book? those things are expensive, and they're doing seance dog all summer." mark replied. 

"you and y/n are into the stupidest stuff," william replied back. 

"wait what? y/n, you read comic books?" mark questioned. 

just as i was about to respond william cut in for me. 

"did you not hear me earlier? i swear you have selective hearing, it's like talking to a brick wall some-" william was trying to explain but was cut off by a girl shouting. 

"knock it off todd!" i recognized the voice of amber. 

"come on... quit playing games. i know you're crazy about me. marcy told me." i recognize that voice, the biggest douche of our school, todd. 

they kept going back and forth until: 

"what are you? some lesbian or something?" todd retorted. 

"OH MY GOD, i wish! would you leave me alone then? let go of me so i can go find some girl to kiss." amber shot back. 

after hearing the comment todd said, i was upset, my best friend is apart of the LGBTQ+! so i made my advancement to todd and amber. 

"woah there, y/n what are you doing?" william questioned nervously. 

mark was also stepping up and walking there with me. 

"GUYS, he's two of you put together, don't." 

but mark and i kept walking, mark cleared his throat, everyone watching the fight, including todd and amber, of course, turned and looked at the both of us shocked. we're the nerdy comic book and brainiac kids, not someone usually looking for a fight. but today a fire has been lit under my butt and i want to finally help others. 

"i think she's been pretty clear about how she feels, todd." mark said as his big opening statement. 

before todd could get his word in i pushed him out of the way and grabbed ambers hand and inter-locked it with mine. 

"what if she was lesbian, huh todd? you got something to say about that?" i said with force and determination in my voice. 

"are you serious? grayson and l/n?" todd said. 

mark was about to say something but was cut off by a punch to the face, then the gut, then the face again. hell! i can't watch this anymore! and amber had the same idea too. 

amber goes straight where the sun doesn't shine, and then he spins around in pain and i punched todd, square in the face. he got knocked down to the ground, maybe i used too much force? 

amber thanks mark while he's groaning on the ground and then she turns to me. 

"hey, thanks for what you and mark did back there, we should talk more, you seem cool. but also intimidating! do you do like karate or something? because that was one hell of a punch!" 

"uh- i- yeah I've been doing it since i was a kid and I've also been taking self-defense classes," i say quickly, trying to cover myself, and tripping up while doing so. 

amber says her goodbyes and i remember that mark just got his head rocked. i rush over to the ground in front of the lockers where he's still groaning in pain. when i rush over i look at william who looks star-struck. 

"you never told me you could do that!" he yelled being excited and confused at the same time. 

"will love ya, but mark looks in a lot of pain lets get him to the nurse or something," I exclaimed, still very worried for mark's well-being. 

mark also looked surprised but also he was in pain so we had to help him with that. 

{ a/n }

hello! i hope you guys are doing well! i changed up the scenes so I can add more of y/n's growing character out there. sorry if you liked the og better lol. but anyways, thank you for actually reading this book! hope you guys enjoy and there is much more coming ;). 

"Affirmative" Mark Grayson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now