here goes nothing (p-2)

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y/n pov: 

I woke up aching and in a lot of sore pain, man,  fighting with aliens can really mess up someone's day. I slowly realize that I didn't stay to help with the clean-up of the city. I rush to get up but I now realize that overusing my powers made even walking difficult. Finally, after having a short pep talk with my legs, I can walk around. I turn to look at myself in the mirror and almost scream. Who is that? Well I know it's me but I'm covered in dry blood before I go back out to see how far they got with the cleanup, I need to take a shower. 

After a long hot shower and scrubbing dry blood and alien goop off my suit, I get ready to fly back out my window. Before I can go soaring through the air, I get stopped short by my very worried father. 

"y/n! Do you have any idea how worried I was for you?! I saw you on the news beating aliens to a pulp, good job on holding your ground by the way, and then I hear a crash come through your window and find you half-dead on the floor!" 

Ah, so he was the reason I was in my bed instead of on my hard cold floor. 

"Sorry Dad for the worry, but I think you're gonna have to get used to this," I say before giving him a salute and zooming out my window again. 

"y/n! This conversation is not finished!" 


After finding out that Teen Team basically finished all the cleaning yesterday I bump into Eve while she's finishing the last touches on the wreckage. 

"Hey! I was so worried, you kinda flew outta here fast and I couldn't get Robot to check for your injuries!" Eve said with worry. 

"So sorry about not helping with the cleanup, and I'm fine! I'm super-human after all, nothing to worry about here." I said with a calm tone. 

"Oh don't worry about the cleanup, I'm just happy to see you walking and talking!" she said with a smile. 

Eve dusted off her hands that were wrapped with her pink gloves. She then flies up into the air, signaling for me to follow. I fly up to her and we go off in some random direction. 

"I think that Invincible was shaken up after seeing the people that didn't survive the attack, he took some older woman away to the hospital, but judging by her state, I don't think that she'll make it," Eve said with a sad look on her face. 

"That's horrible! I'll have to check up on Mar-Invincible when- if I see him again," I said, silently praying that she didn't hear my mistakes, sadly Eve is too smart to let that fly by. 

"Mhm, when you see him next, you know y/n you're not making the case of you having a secret superhero boyfriend any better," she says with a sly smirk. "By the way, care to take a journey with me after school tomorrow, and bring your suit." 

I nod at her with confusion and then fly the rest of the way home.  


Going to school after being in an inter-dimensional battle is not the best feeling for a Monday morning, but I guess I'll have to get used to it. I look up from my textbook in the halls and see Will and Mark walking with each other. I was about to run up to them but it looks like Mark is still shaken up about the attack, I'll have to find some way to comfort him, just not now.

Mark's POV: 

After talking with Eve about the whole superhero stuff, I was starting to feel better about myself, even got an invite to the Teen Team's hideout after school, now that's pretty amazing. 

I look around the roof of the school, it was pretty quiet until I heard someone calling my name. 

"Mark!" I turn around to see the culprit, expecting it to be William coming to bombard me with questions about Eve until I see a flash of h/c hair. 

"Hey, Mark! I saw you walking this morning and you looked pretty upset, I asked William about it and he told me that your dad was near the attack and was in the hospital. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry and I brought these, hoping that they would brighten up a hospital room!" she says while holding up a beautiful array of flowers. 

Who knew someone I just met could be this thoughtful. 

"U-Uh thank you y/n!" I said excepting the flowers, God, if she wasn't this pretty I probably wouldn't become an awkward mess around her. 

"No problem," she says, she looks like she's trying to search for something to say, so I try to help out with the conversation. 

"Were you able to see the Teen Team fight against the aliens on TV?" I ask. 

"Yeah, I did! What the people aren't talking about enough though is the new superhero, Invincible! He was incredible for someone so new and young looking!" she starts to fangirl, I feel a swell in my pride knowing that it's actually me she's talking about. Wait! Is she a fan?!

Well, there was my little debut, where I saved her and she had a pretty emotional moment with me... Oh No. I totally forgot about that! When she came up and hugged me I didn't know what to do! So I followed what they did in the movies and wrapped my hands around her waist but my arms were sore from the fight, so they kinda fell, a little too low. I remember William showing me that photo and then questioning why I looked so embarrassed. 

"Yeah, he's kinda cool, but a rookie. He didn't have a clue what he was doing," I say with a self-pitying chuckle. 

"Well I think that he did pretty good, saving that elderly woman," she said with a huff. 

"Yeah but there's another superhero that the public is obsessing over, me too if I'm being honest. She just flew in and started beating the crap out of these aliens and then flew away as nothing happened!" I said with a little too much excitement, I wanted to talk about the mystery woman with someone. 

"O-Oh? I didn't see anything about that," she says with a small hit of redness to her face, huh, weird. 

"Yeah, people don't know what to caller her, so they've just been going with "Mystery Beauty", in all honesty, I think that matches her perfectly," I say with a little sigh, she was beautiful and looked younger, why did she just pop up now? 

Then the sound of the final bell rings, me being so lost in my conversation with y/n, didn't even know that the bell rang until she looks up with a worried look. 

"Darn, I was totally supposed to meet Eve by now, I gotta go, Mark, I send your father my best wishes and hope you can meet this "Mystery Beauty" soon," she said with a wink and then ran off. 

Hey, wait, I'm supposed to meet Eve at the end of the day too! Did Eve forget about her plans to introduce me to Teen Team? No, that didn't happen that long ago, maybe she forgot she had plans with y/n? Are they even that close? 

My train of thought came to a halt when I suddenly see Eve in her costume looking down at me, looking impatient. Behind her is...


I'm alive! School is back, well almost over. Look in all honesty, totally forgot about this fic. But after seeing that people were asking for more, I couldn't let it go to waste. I can't even read the first chapter anymore, god my writing sucked. Trying to improve tho!! So I hope that you guys enjoy this chapter! And expect more soon. Sorry to leave on a cliffhanger butttt I'm a little evil. >:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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