*its about time (p-3)*

486 11 4

☢ y/n's pov ☢

after the eventful day at school, i walked home. i completely forgot about raging at my dad this morning, so i was presently surprised when i stepped into my house to a very red-faced father.


i hate yelling, hell i usually hate confrontation altogether, but i wasn't going to let him control my powers anymore. 

"i don't see what the big deal is dad, no one saw me, i was safe and i was earlier than usual to school," i stated calmly. 

"oh? you're sure no one saw you? like are you really sure?" he stated with a very mocking tone. 

"yes? i don't know why you're doing this," i said calmly again, trying to keep my cool. 

"well, when i got back from the clean-up of the white house, guess who was waiting at our doorstep?" he asked, rage still very present in his tone. 

"what?" i asked, i'm currently confused. 

"OMNI-MAN Y/N! i was so shocked at first i didn't believe it was him, but he was waiting here on our doorstep. when i finally greeted him he started attacking me with questions! "when did your daughter get powers? has she always had them? why did i see her soaring through the sky with my wife?". y/n i get you want to help people but you're risking your life and I'm too worried about you getting hurt, or worse catching the attention of the wrong people and getting hurt! you're lucky omni-man is a kind hero and said he would keep your secret!" 

"YOUR secret." i corrected him. 

"what?" he asked. 

"dad this is your secret! that you have forced me to keep all my life! all my life I've been the obedient little girl who got all straight a's and was on the top of her classes, being present in all non-active clubs and winning academic awards! I've done so much for you to be "normal" but i'm sick of it! today i helped this girl named amber with a guy who wasn't leaving her alone! do you know how good it felt to help someone else? imagine being helping the whole city? hell, the whole world?! dad i was given these gifts for a reason, and if you can't accept that then, i guess, i don't want to see you anymore." i stated, a little harsher than expected but if i didn't put it this way, he would just shove it under the rug. 

"y/n i'm doing this for your safety and your identity!" he yelled back. 

"well, what if people don't know my identity? all superheroes have an undercover, everyday life, that's like step one of being a hero," i stated sarcastically. 

"y/n, if you want to do this, take it seriously," he said back. 

"what?" i asked with shock in my tone. 

"I'll let you do this if you don't let it affect your actual life, we'll talk more about this tomorrow," he ended the conversation. 

i was beyond excited, my dad's actually letting me use my gifts to help others! i got a rush of adrenalin and decided i would go out for a midnight flight. boy, i would see a lot that night. 


mark's pov: 

"i'm gonna be able to fly" i said to myself. 

all my life I've been waiting for the moment that my powers will kick in, so now that i have them, I'm gonna use them. i take a step out of my window. 

"don't look down... stop looking down! i'm not going down. I'm gonna fly up because I can fly. what if I can't yet? no, no, no, okay." I said hyping myself up. 

dad always said it was like a reflex, so if I don't want to fall, I won't, and even if I do, maybe it won't even hurt, or maybe...

"ah screw it!" i said before walking off my roof. 

before I knew it, boom! i was flying! i got a rush and flew up into the sky. before I knew it I was face-to-face with a commercial flight, i weaved through just at the right time and started to fly higher and higher. 

has it always been this hard to breathe? before i knew it, i blacked out. when i woke up i was plummeting to the ground. 

"WOAH WOAH WOAH, AHHH" i screamed. 

while i was frantically looking around, falling to my probable death, i saw a flash of h/c hair. what? before i could question that i was met with the asphalt of my driveway.  after that conundrum, i went back to sleep wondering what, or maybe who i saw. boy, i'll need coffee tomorrow. 


y/n's pov: ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

i was soaring with a bright smile on my face, seeing the beauty of the stars up close was an experience i'll never get used to, it was breathtaking. it was calming until i heard a man screaming in the sky. a man, screaming, at my altitude?! i fly closer but stay hidden in the clouds since I'm in a tank top and pajama shorts, i had nothing to conceal my face with. 

upon closer look, i see a shirtless male fly way above our atmosphere, it can't be omni-main, he was too small and young, another super-human maybe? i fly closer and see MARK?! he was plummeting into a driveway, i wanted to help him by rushing over but i forgot i had nothing to hide my face. 

"sorry mark..." i say to myself, before flying back home to get some rest. 

{ a/n } 

hey guys!! you finally got to see who the mysterious person was! also, i don't plan for mark to know your identity yet, I'm doing more of a slow burn if that's ok with you guys! but don't worry you'll meet invincible soon ;). ੈ✩‧₊˚

"Affirmative" Mark Grayson x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora