*it's about time (p-5)*

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y/n pov: ✲ 

i woke up with a huge smile on my face, today is the day. i finally get my suit! i can't wait for my dad to wake up, so i leave a note telling him that i went to meet art by myself downtown. and since it was a beautiful day, i decided to walk. sure, it was far but i'm super-human, so what? 

i was walking for a while, i would've zoomed down using my full speed but i can't use my powers in the open yet. but today, i might. i finally made it, only to be scooped up by some terminator-looking guy, guess i was too busy daydreaming about my suit. i decided to assess my situation here: 

"okay, i can't expose myself here, there are literally fifty cops trying to shoot this guy," 

i can't do anything without exposing myself, and i don't wanna break the deal that i made with my dad. 

"i can scream, but i don't wanna sound like a damsel in distress, old trope and kinda sexist" 

suddenly there's a huge boom, and i see the terminator man blowing up cops in the corner

"let go of me!" i yelled. 

he turned to me and smirked, creepy, and then pivoted to the next group of cops, warming up another one of those laser blasts. 

"what even is this guy? he's holding me with a human arm, and smells like human B.O. but he's also a robot? this is straight out of a comic book." i thought. 

while he was warming up that blow, a flash of blue and yellow flys by, punching creepy terminator man and making me fly out of his grip. i close my eyes wait for impact because my stupid brain wasn't understanding the fact i could've controlled my fall and fall to safety.  but instead i was met with a squishy yet hard surface, i look up and see MARK?! 

"well, not mark because he has a mask covering his face, but i can tell that hair from anywhere." i thought a smile forming on my face. 

me, forgetting all about the situation, i just look at my reflection in his goggles. he seems a bit lost too until he realized that he punched a guy through a whole building. letting me down softly and going to go zoom back into action, but before he does: 

"I'll be back ok? try to stay here in the meantime." mark said. 

he holds up two fingers and solutes me and flies through the building to go back to his fight. and i just stand there, speechless, is that really mark grayson? 

after a while and mark "accidentally" destroying the sides of at least two buildings he corners the villain, can i call him that? definitely. the man was killing innocent people. he captures the guy and hands him to the feds. he talks to the police, making sure the ones that got hit, were ok or on their way to getting help. he suddenly turns back and flies over to me. 

"hey! y/-miss, are you ok? i mean- you were really close up with that guy, robot, thing." mark says stumbling, i'm guessing this is his debut, so he's still trying to learn the ropes. 

"i'm fine, thank you so much though, you came at the right time, really saved my butt there." i finish with a giggle. 

"i-i'm just glad you're ok, it could've ended much worse, and sorry for going straight to punching the guy. up in the sky you kinda just blended in and i couldn't see you. i probably should've assessed my situation better," he leans next to my ear "i'm kinda new at this." he whispers.

"i-it's ok," i respond, heat rushing to my face because of how close he is. "thank you again for saving me, oh! i didn't catch your name." 

"invincible!" he said with excitement "i kinda said it over there to the villain guy, but i was kinda far." he says bashfully, scratching the back of his head. 

"that's so cool!" i say fangirling over this superhero, who i knew, get a hold of yourself y/n! "i-i mean, amazing, now I'll know your name for when i see you saving more people, i'm guessing you're not going anywhere soon," i respond. 

i swear i could see a bit of pink rushing to his face from under his mask, it could also be from exhaustion, he did put like a techno-human through three buildings. 

"i'm not going anywhere, don't worry, i hope to see you soon! o-or not because if i see you then you might be in danger again." invincible says in a hurry. 

"i mean, i would not like to be in a life-threatening situation again, but i won't have to worry if you're there to save me, hero," i say. 

WAIT, WHAT? that came off really flirty and i look like i just broke the new superhero on his first day. the redness of his face was definitely not from the heat, he was a full-on tomato. but before he can respond i see my dad rushing towards us, how did he- oh right, that man lives on the news. 

"y/n! are you okay?" he asks frantically, checking over my body for any cuts or bruises. 

"i'm fine dad, invincible saved me right before anything could happen, well to me anyway, did you check up on those cops, are they okay?" i ask, worried. 

" i don't know how they're doing, but let's get you home ok?" he says rushing me to the car. 

"hey dad, wait here for a sec," i say before rushing back to the still frozen invincible. 

"invincible!" i yell, and then he's suddenly brought back to life. "i know i've already said this a lot but thank you, so much," i say as i hug him. 

now realizing what i was doing, i back up immediately. 

"i'm so sorry! i just went into your personal space like that! sorry, i should've asked if it was ok-" but i was cut off by his hands slinking around my waist and him hugging me back. 

"no need to apologize, you're the first person i saved, I'll never forget you," he says, slowly releasing the hug, his gloved hands still loosely resting on my waist "i gotta go, but see you, y/n." 

and with that, he pushes up into the clouds. and i just look. up and watch him, i can't wait till i can fly with you, invincible. 

"AHEM," my dad yelled from the car. 

"oops! sorry, dad!" i say jogging back to the car. 

after an awkward car ride about my dad complaining that the new superhero was "too close and comfy", we were back home. before he starts ranting again about my safety i run upstairs. i close my door and open the window to let some air in. i slowly walk to my desk and open up the textbooks and notebooks that were already lying there. 

"time to get back to studying" i sigh and look up out my window. 

"I'll be free soon enough."  

{ a/n } 

hahahahahahahaha, how did you guys like that? they cut off mark as soon as he introduced himself to the villain in the show with the title card, so i had to kinda improvise, also, mark was kinda bold. but you guys finally met! and don't worry romance is coming soon, i'm just trying to figure out how to write your romance alongside amber? ill figure it out soon enough, also i'm liking how y/n is becoming confident in herself, anyways, hope you guys had a wonderful day! 

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