Chapter 12

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It wasn't like Nichole could keep what Paul had told her a secret, Edward had read her mind as soon as she had come home that evening.

"I'm going to kill him," Edward muttered darkly, and Nichole shook her head. "Edward, please, don't be making a big deal about this, it's nothing."

"Nothing? He threatened to kill you!"

"Only if I set foot on La Push again. There's a simple solution to this, I just don't go to the beach."

"After all that time we spent looking for a swimsuit for you?!" Alice came down the stairs, a dark glare on her face. "We did not go shopping for you to just use that swimsuit one time!"

Nichole groaned, rubbing her face in exasperation. She knew that before long, the others would know about this, the one that she would have to be worried about the most would be Emmett, he had the hottest temper out of any of the Cullens. "Guys, it's seriously not a big deal, can we please just let it go?"

"How can we just let this go when he threatened you?" Edward demanded. "You're our little sister, it's our job to protect you."

"Edward, you guys don't have to protect me all of the time. There's times when I have to handle things myself."

"And how are you going to protect yourself against a werewolf?"

"I already told you, I just stay away from the beach, the way that Paul wants me to, that way we can stay away from any future drama with the Quileute pack."

When Carlisle arrived home from work that evening, he wasn't happy with what had happened with Paul, but he agreed that it would be for the best if Nichole were to stay away from La Push from now on."

That disappointed Nichole a little bit, even though it had technically been her idea, because she had been looking forward to maybe talking with Jacob some more.

Edward smirked at her. "Already have a crush?"

Nichole rolled her eyes before she smacked him on the arm. "Shut up before I do something that I regret."

"I'm a vampire, and you're a human, there's nothing that you can do to hurt me."

"Not you, but I can hurt your piano."

Edward's eyes widened a little bit. "You wouldn't dare."

"Watch me."

Edward wrapped his arms around Nichole to prevent her from moving, and he ruffled her hair as Nichole squealed and tried to escape his grasp. "Edward, get your greasy mitts off of me!"

"I'll have you know that my mitts aren't greasy, they're clean as a whistle."

"You know what I mean!" Nichole whined, causing Carlisle to laugh softly. "Alright, break it up, kids."

Edward released Nichole, who pouted up at him. "You big bully."

"Well, maybe next time you'll think twice before threatening my piano then."

"Oh please, you know that I wouldn't have actually done anything to it."

Edward laughed softly, shaking his head. "You had a big day, how about we get you something to eat?"

"Sounds good, I'm absolutely starving."

Later on that evening, Nichole was reading in her room when there was a knock on her door, and to her surprise, Rosalie entered the room.
"Rosalie." Nichole marked her place in her book before closing it. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, um, everything's fine." Rosalie's normally confident demeanor had disappeared, and for the first time, at least the first time that Nichole had seen, Rosalie looked nervous. "Um...I was wondering....tomorrow night that new movie comes out, and I was thinking...well, I was thinking that maybe you, Alice and I could go and see it?"

"Sure." Nichole nodded her head. "A movie sounds great. Can we get some popcorn too?"

"Of course we can." A smile appeared on Rosalie's face. "Maybe afterwards we can go and get some ice cream too, if you want."

"That sounds great!"

"Look Nichole, I know that I haven't been the nicest to you since you came to live here, and I was hoping that I could do something to fix that."

Nichole shook her head. "Rosalie, don't worry about it. I understand your reasoning. It may have not been the right way to go about it, but I understand why you did what you did. Consider everything forgiven, okay?"

Rosalie nodded her head, smiling gratefully at her. Nichole smiled as Rosalie left the room, it seemed like things were finally going to get better between her and Rosalie.

And get better they did. Rosalie started to hang out with Nichole more, and Nichole found that she was actually pretty fun to be around. Unless they went bowling, because Nichole found out that Rosalie was the ultimate boss at it.

"How is it that you win every single time?" Nichole complained as they went out to Rosalie's car?"

"Years and years of practice," Rosalie said with a laugh. It was just the two of them, Emmett had been wanting to go with them, but Carlisle had thought that it would be a good idea for the two girls to bond since they were starting to be on good terms now.

"Well well, look who it is."

Nichole groaned as Alex and two of his buddies came up to the girls. "What the hell do you want Alex?"

"Oh come on, I just want to talk, I haven't exactly been able to do that with your brothers acting like your bodyguards." He looked at Rosalie. "You don't mind if we chat, do you, princess?"

"First of all, I'm not your princess!" Rosalie snapped. "And second of all, I don't really think that Nichole wants to talk to her, especially not after the way that you've treated her."

"Oh come on darling, no need to be so uptight-"

"I think that I've made my position perfectly clear." Rosalie grabbed Alex's wrist, twisting his arm into a painful position.

"Alright!" Alex shouted, his face contorting in pain. Rosalie released him, and he glared at Nichole. "Your family won't always be around you, and I'll be waiting." He and his friends left the bowling alley, and Rosalie placed a hand on Nichole's shoulder. "I think that it would be a good idea if we headed home."

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