Chapter 49

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Jacob hadn't gone very far from town, because he found that he couldn't go very far from Nichole without himself going crazy. "Stupid imprint shit." He muttered to himself. He could see the hotel from where he was at, and he sighed as he sat down in the grass, running a hand through his hair. He thought that he had known what the right thing to do was, but now he wasn't so sure. There was so much going through his head that he felt as though he might drown in his thoughts.

"Come on Black, get your shit together." He slapped the side of his head, as though that would help.

"You know that the only thing that's going to do to you is give you brain damage, right?"

Jacob looked up as Jared came up and sat down beside him. "What are you doing here?"

"Alice told me that there was a wolf watching the hotel, and I figured that it was you. Are you okay?"

Jacob scoffed as he shook his head. "Of course, I'm not okay. Nichole's having a baby, and I don't even know if I'm gonna be there or not."

"Uh, Jacob, you're kind of going to have to be there, or did you forget how the whole imprint thing works?"

"Shit." Jacob groaned, laying back in the grass. "I'm officially screwed then."

"Jake, why are you stressing out so much about all of this? It's not that big of a deal."

"Not that big of a deal?! Nichole is going to be having a baby, my baby! How could I not be freaking the hell out?!"

"Jacob, you're gonna be a good dad, okay?"

"You don't know that, Jared. Yeah, I might turn out to be a good dad, like my old man, but what if I'm not, what if I'm like Paul's dad?"

It was a well known but rarely talked about fact that Paul and his dad didn't get along. There had been some rumors of abuse when Paul was younger, but he didn't talk about it, and everyone knew better then to bring it up.

"Jacob, you're nothing like his old man, okay?" Jared sat down next to Jacob in the grass. "You're going to be one of the best dads ever, take it from someone who knows you better then almost anyone else." He put a hand on Jacob's shoulder, squeezing it lightly. "Just trust me on this, and if there comes a time where it feels like you can't handle things, look at all the people that you have around you. You've got me, the Cullens, I bet even that Diana chick would offer you some advice if you asked for it."

Jacob sighed softly. Deep down, he knew that his friend was right. Maybe he had been overreacting. Jared was right about Jacob not being able to leave Nichole because she was his imprint, but Jacob felt like he wouldn't be able to leave anyway, lest he be filled with overwhelming guilt. "Do you really think that I can do this?"

"I do." Jared nodded his head.

"Alright...I'll go back, but if Emmett kills me, then my death is going to be on your hands."

Jared let out a laugh. "Deal."

Nichole had been pacing back and forth in her room, she honestly didn't know why she was doing it, she just knew that it was better then her sitting around and doing nothing at all.

There was a knock on the door, and then Jacob slowly opened the door, standing in the doorway.

"You came back." Nichole just stared at him. "I was starting to think that maybe you had jumped ship and just skipped town."

"I couldn't leave you. No matter how scared I am of what's in the future, I could never leave you. You're my imprint and the love of my life, there's no way that i would be able to leave you and have a clear conscience about it all."

"And the baby?"

"Nichole, I'll admit that I'm terrified, more then terrified actually, but if you're absolutely sure that this is what you want, that you want to go through with this, then I'll support you through it all."

Nichole walked over to him, and for a brief moment, Jacob thought that she was going to hit him. Instead, she wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. "You're an asshole." She murmured, and Jacob chuckled lowly. "Yeah, I know that I am, but somehow you still manage to love me anyway." His arms snaked around her, and he placed a kiss on her head. "I'm sorry for acting like such a jerk."

"I understand it Jacob. I'm not saying that I'm happy with what you did, but I understand why you did it. But we need to stick together. This is going to be scary for the both of us, so we need to be there for each other, support each other through this whole journey."

"I'll be there, I promise. And I promise that I'm never going to leave you, not even if my life depended on it."

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