Chapter 1 - The Fun Begins

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At first, I had wanted a peaceful life, just hoping to experience a normal high school life, but after witnessing the defective idiots on the bus, then also in my class, that idea went out the window. Why bother even trying to have a peaceful life when these morons would just mess it up, even without trying to, and cause me an innumerable number of problems. Even if I kept to myself, based on what sensei is currently saying, it's going to affect me as well.

And if they're going take away my chance for a relationship with peaceful life-chan, then I'm going enjoy playing with the school as much as possible.

Currently, Chabashira-sensei was explaining the school rules, in an obviously scripted manner. It was pathetic at how many people didn't notice the hints, or potentials causes for concern that she left in, even emphasizing certain things like this month for points, and the fact that they can be used for anything. Instead of being suspicious about it and because the government was giving not only this luxurious school, but 576 million yen a year as an allowance, most of the class was jumping for joy, planning what they were going to purchase, not even considering the possible repercussions of such a generous allowance.

From what I could see, the only people questioning this were the girl next to me with a superiority complex, Horikita Suzune, and she would never bother to mention it to anyone else, some girl with long brown hair, I think I heard her name was Matsushita when she introduced herself and the narcissist from the bus. He shares a similar appearance with a man named Kouenji, an investor for the white room, so it was likely they were related in some way. Such a privileged upbringing would explain the narcissism. Out of the three, he was probably the most likely to have fun with me, given Horikita's isolationist outlook and Matsushita's apparent attempt to act ordinary, much like I had planned.

To think this was what was considered elite, these were the students being raised as the next leaders of Japan. It was sad. Even the lowest student in the white room at the age of seven was smarter than them. Just being in this environment, despite my hate for my father and dislike of the white room, gave me an appreciation of the reason for its creation.

"If no one has any more questions, I'll leave you all to get acquainted with each other." Sensei was apparently finished with her address, and it seemed like it was left to me to speak up and question the gaps in her conversation.

"Sensei, I have a question. Are my suspicions correct?" Of course, I wasn't going to give everything away, these students didn't deserve to have the answers handed to them alone, but the question was obvious enough to Chabashira, as there was only one suspicion that could be formed from her explanation, and to the narcissist who smirked at my question.

"I'll leave that up to your imagination, but I suspect the answer is yes." With that response and a smirk, she walked out of the classroom, leaving everyone staring at me in bafflement.

"How did she answer your question, you didn't even ask her anything!!??" That was Ike if I remember correctly. One of the class perverts, as he had already been labelled, and he apparently wanted to show off his stupidity to the class.

"Of course, a defect like you wouldn't understand. The question was obvious to a perfect existence like myself, but it seems I am surrounded by pathetic beings, aside from the one exception here." This seemed to anger most of the class, understandably as no one wants to be labelled a defect, and many of the boys, along with some of the girls started yelling back at him, which he promptly ignored by returning to combing his hair.

"Oi, what makes you any better than us!"

"That narcissistic attitude is a real turn off you know!"

"You stupid narcissist, if anyone has a defect it's you!"

At these words I sighed. People were unable to admit to their own flaws, it was a brutal fact but a fallacy most humans were unable to deal with.

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