Chapter 13 - Results

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Chabashira strode into the classroom, to find a room full of students sitting silently and nervous.

"Well, this is very unlike Class D. What could possibly have brought about such concern?" A cruel question when she was holding the very thing to be concerned about.

"Sensei, it's been a week. You told us that our results on the midterms would be released today. It's the last lesson of the day so I'm sure you can understand why we're nervous" A very Hirata-like response, keeping the situation calm.

"There's no need for you to worry, Hirata. You should have passed quite easily."

"So, when will the results be released?"

"Well, if you'd like, now is as good a time as any. If we waited to do it after class, we wouldn't have enough time for other procedures."

Some of the students visibly reacted to the words "other procedures."

" you mean by that?"

"Don't get flustered. I'll tell you now."

As usual, she revealed the details simultaneously and collectively. She stuck a large, white sheet of paper with everyone's names and test scores onto the blackboard.

"Honestly, I'm impressed. I didn't think that you'd score so well. Many students tied with perfect scores in mathematics, Japanese, and social studies. More than ten of you, actually."

"Some of the students shouted in joy and delight when they saw the 100s lined up on the results sheet. However, some weren't smiling. The only grade that truly mattered was Sudou's score in English.


We saw Sudou's test scores. He had scored sixty points in four of the five main subjects, which was considerably high. He'd also scored 41 in English.

Horikita turned to me with a smug smile, and an I-told-you-so face, apparently convinced by this that Sudou had passed. However, before she could say anything-

"Wait, sensei there's a mistake." Yukimura made a comment about the results.

"Yeah, how come Ayanokouji and Kouenji both got 101. There's an error." The whole class noticed this, and an uproar rose. None of them could understand how we managed it.

"They must have cheated!" "How can cheating get you an extra point!" "Then how else did they do it!"

The whole class was baffled by this, throwing wild accusation. Horikita sat in her seat silently, staring at me, as did Matsushita and Kushida

"Ahaha another draw then, demon-boy. Though I'm not particularly surprised, it was rather obvious. I expected two perfect existences to figure it out easily. Though I do wonder what else you did, hmm?"

"Yes, I did expect this outcome. At least you didn't disappoint and miss it or commit unnecessary resources to try and beat me. I'm glad you recognised that as pointless."

While the rest of the class tried to figure out what we were talking about, Kouenji and I congratulated each other. It would have been extremely disappointing if one of us hadn't tried this, losing in such a simple manner would be a tragedy. Likewise, trying too hard to win by buying more points would also be a mistake. There was no point after the first purchase, and any more would be a waste of points. Instead of winning our competition it would be a mark of shame from trying too hard.

"Ayanokouji-kun, could you explain what happened. How did you score 101%, even with all the 'extra studying' we did?" Hirata gave it his best shot at extracting information out of me, but it wasn't time yet. Soon though, the class would hopefully know.

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