Chapter 9 - Study Groups

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After sensei left the entire class burst into glorious, pathetic, self-pitying chaos.

"If we don't get any more points, what I am gonna do? These aren't enough!!"

"I used up all of my points yesterday..."

"Forget about the points. What the hell about this class? Why was I put into Class D?!" Yukimura cried resentfully. A thin layer of sweat covered his forehead.

"Wait, does this mean that we can't get into college now? Why did we even go to this school? Does Sae-chan-sensei hate us or something?"

Everyone was panicking, yelling screaming, shaking their friends, doing everything but using their brains. Despite the looming threat of the midterms approaching, and with 7 people in severe danger, 12 people who passed within 10 marks, a range far too close for comfort, most students ignored that fact and focused solely on their worries about graduation. If any of these students did make it to graduation, they probably wouldn't deserve to be there.

This would have continued till the end of class if Hirata hadn't decided to intervene. Damn you Hirata, I was enjoying this.

"I understand that you're all confused right now, but everyone needs to calm down." Hirata, sensing the classroom tipping toward crisis, stood, and attempted to rein everyone in. "The midterms are coming up, and they need to be our priority. If we work together as a class, I'm sure that everyone can pass."

"Look how badly some people did. I don't want to waste my time helping people that will probably still fail! It's sad, but there's no point helping a lost cause." Yukimura was really stuck up with his self-worth. I admit he was quite intelligent for his age, however he possessed some of the worst physical skills in the class. To have that kind of ego was impressive, and eventually it would come back to haunt him.

"Calm down, you two, okay? I'm sure that the teacher talked to us harshly, so we'd be inspired to do better, right?" That was Kushida. She slipped between the two and separated them, gently taking Yukimura's balled fist. Just as anyone would expect, Yukimura didn't try to hurt her and reflexively took half a step back. As expected of the class angel, she resolved the dispute immediately.

"Besides, it's only been one month since we started here, right? Like Hirata-kun said, it's better if we all do our best together. Do you think that I'm wrong about that?"

"N-no, it's... Well, I certainly wouldn't say you're wrong, but..."

Yukimura's anger had almost completely vanished. Kushida looked at everyone in class, and it was almost as if her eyes reflected a sincere wish for us to work together. Her control over them was unrivalled. If she asked them to virtually anything, most of the class would follow her without question. In a divided classroom, she would be the key to success.

"Yeah, it's better for us to band together. Right? There's no need for you to fight, Yukimura. Hirata."

"I think we should start by forming study groups." Everyone went silent as Horikita spoke up. For someone who disregarded even the concept of friends to be injecting herself into conversation here was very surprising, and at this moment the floor was hers. "It's the simplest method of helping those with lower grades. Those who got top marks can take groups of 4 or 5 and teach them themselves."

"That's a great suggestion Horikita. If you don't mind leading one of them yourself, then I think we're on a good track. I, Kushida and Yukimura?" he hesitated before receiving a nod and continued, "will also lead a group each for the lowest students. Those who scored above 50, you can form your own if you wish and study together, but for now we will be prioritising those most at risk of failing." Hirata effortlessly transitioned Horikita's idea into a solid plan. He wasn't the class leader for no reason. But I could already predict where this conversation was going, and there was no way I would let it reach the destination Hirata intended.

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