Arc 2 Chapter 8 - Semesters End

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Once I left the student council room, I found Sudou waiting outside for me. I hadn't been expecting him here, so I was curious to see what he was going to say.

"Hey Ayanokouji, wait up."

"What do you want Sudou." It was strange to see him waiting here, and so humble and quiet too. I had expected him to run off with Ike and Yamauchi to celebrate, but it seemed this incident had helped him grow somewhat.

"I just wanted to say thanks. You helped me a lot here, and it's thanks to you that I didn't get in trouble."

"It was fun. That's the only reason I helped, Sudou, so remember that. Don't expect my help again, so use your head next time."

"I know. It was my fault the situation happened, and because of that Sakura... well, thanks bro."

"Do you understand what Horikita was trying to teach you now?"

"Eh? Trying to teach me? I thought she was just being stubborn. That's so like her."

It seemed Sudou hadn't recognised the lesson she was teaching him, or that he had learnt it. He also didn't see her refusal to help as a detriment to her character. He really was infatuated with her.

"She wanted you to be punished."

That shocked him.

"W-why would she want that! I thought I was her friend?" Oh, you sweet innocent child

"Sudou, I don't think there's anyone Horikita thinks is her friend. That said, she was trying to help you in her own way."

"Help me?"

"She wanted you to learn to control your anger, and having you be punished for your actions was the best course of action to her."

The mollified expression on his face showed his understanding.

"Oh, yeah. I suppose it did work, sort of. I never should have doubted her."

His faith in her was unreal.

"Anyway, later bro. I'll see you around!" Having apologised, Sudou regained some of his previous cheer.

I watched as he headed off from the school building, probably to finally meet up with his friends.

To be honest, I hadn't expected that from him. It was an incredible change to see, though I suppose someone almost getting raped because of him, as I had framed it in his mind, was enough of a motivator to fix his psyche a little.

Also, please don't call me bro. We aren't friends.


The night after the final trial, Kushida returned to my room again. She quickly slipped in through the door, using the key I had given her for convenience, but with none of the usual presence she normally carried. Neither the kind caring friend to all, nor the evil bitch queen on the grade were in my room tonight, just a subdued and even slightly nervous Kushida.

"Good evening, Kushida."


That was especially unusual. I couldn't tell what was going through her mind, but she was obviously stuck on something important. I suspect it had to do with what happened in today's events.

I had considered it earlier, and decided that if she asked for it, I would give her an explanation. The transparency I could show by revealing all my actions would go a long way to gaining her support and removing any last barriers in her mind that I was holding things back. It would show her just what I was truly capable of, hopefully scaring her, but also make her more likely to believe and support me.

Chaoskoujiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें