Chapter 2 - Kiryuuin

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As I made my way over to the platinum haired girl, she dropped her attention from me for the first time since we arrived and looked at her phone, before laughing out loud. She quickly responded with a message before putting it away and standing up to greet me.

"You are an interesting one, Kouhai-kun~." She stood up, hands on her hips, with a glint in her eye as she addressed me, already giving me a nickname before we were introduced. In short – a very bold senpai.

"I suppose you could say that."

"To figure out the S system on the first day, and not only that but to post it on the school message board, you are bold." She clearly had figured out from the fact that I wasn't in class, had been using my phone just before the message was posted, and had fought a fight with Kouenji with an intensity that I doubted anyone in the school could match that I was the culprit of this action. I saw no reason to deceive her, someone as perceptive as she would be interesting to talk to.

"Yes, I did, although everything I said was a guess based on my teacher's introduction. Would you be willing to confirm how accurate it all was?"

"Aha to think you solved it all just from that scripted speech, I'm more than impressed. As for your question, yes, everything you said was right. Your poor teacher must be frantic right now trying to figure out how you solved it, and the school will probably launch an investigation into you. Don't be surprised if you get called in to meet with them." The entire time she spoke the grin never left her face. She was staring at me as if I was a new meal, something entirely unexpected, fascinating, and unexplored. In response I stared right back, allowing a little of my darkness to seep out through my eyes. Her smile just grew even bigger.

"Incredible kouhai-kun~ there aren't many people who can interest me, only one at all in the senior years, but you, I can't read you at all. I love it." She stuck her hand out to me, a cheeky grin on her face. "Kiryuuin Fuuka. I'm expecting great things from you kouhai." I grasped her hand, and she increased her grip way beyond a normal handshake. I responded just the same, increasing my grip until I saw a wince.

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. It's a pleasure to meet someone else interesting in this place. Most of the people I've met so far are rather slow."

"I'll be watching you Kiyotaka-kun. Show Fuuka-chan something fun, make my life interesting."

"Oh, I intend to, Kiryuuin-senpai. This school is rather boring, I'm looking for some chaos." This response got another laugh out of her. Meanwhile her phone buzzed for possibly the thirtieth time in the last few minutes.

"I seem to have made an error. I'm known for not taking an interest in anything, so when the message was posted a senpai and an idiot asked me if I had stirred up trouble with a kouhai. Unfortunately, I was foolish enough to mention I knew who had done it, and now the entire second and third year are attempting to contact me. Very interesting, since only a few people should have my number. Someone is going to suffer a punishment from Fuuka-chan for this." A sadistic grin plastered her face as she said this. Obviously, she only had a few friends based on her attitude, and one of them would no longer be in her trusted circle. More likely it was that idiot she mentioned earlier, who clearly wanted to piss her off, but it seemed they had gone too far and didn't understand the consequences she would deal out to them.

"I suppose I had better go meet with my evil messengers kouhai-kun. And it seems you have an appointment as well!" As she spoke an announcement played over the loudspeakers, asking for 'Ayanokouji to come to the staff room'. "Enjoy dealing with the teachers kouhai, I'm off to deal with the Student Council President and Mr Notice Me Senpai."

She started to walk off but stopped suddenly and came back. "Here kouhai-kun. You interest me, so you have earned my phone number. Don't forget about old Fuuka-chan, alright, come visit me and make life more interesting often." And with that she walked back towards the school, platinum hair swaying in the wind.

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