Arc 4 Chapter 10 - The Watcher

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"What do you get out of this, Ayanokouji?"

Kanzaki posed a question at me while we were in our group meeting. It was the morning of the third day of this exam, but that only mattered for the fourteen students still having to participate.

"In what sense?"

"I can't understand your logic. Do you want to get to Class A? It would explain why you put so much effort in on the island, but if that's the case you wasted an opportunity here to get even more points, just for fun. It makes no sense."

My reasoning seemed to baffle Kanzaki, who was sitting across from me in the group circle and had been staring at me for the past 55 minutes.

"Kukuku, you really don't get it, do you?"

He turned to Ryuuen, who had interjected himself into our conversation finding Kanzaki's confusion amusing enough for his attention.

"And you do, Ryuuen? Please, enlighten me."

The tyrant leaned forward, vicious grin plastered on his face like always.

"Not everyone thinks the same, retard. You might want to get to Class A, but what's to say that everyone else does."

"Huh? I can't see a reason for someone to not want to get to Class A. It's illogical. Are you claiming that you don't care what Class you end school as?"

It wasn't correct, since I did have an interest in reaching Class A, but Ryuuen raised a very valid point. Kanzaki was too narrow minded to possibly understand the actions of others, which is why he would never be able to beat Ryuuen.

"You're actually retarded, aren't you? Can't even entertain the possibility that someone would have a different reason than you, but you tried to do some shitty little psychoanalysis anyway. Kukuku you really are stupid."

That was the point. Kanzaki couldn't understand the fundamental difference between people, not enough to predict their actions. People who didn't follow logical choices, like Ryuuen and I, would always be beyond him, because we would do things that he wouldn't consider since they made no sense. Things like admitting we were the VIP, or giving up on the island test.

"That doesn't explain Ayanokouji's reasons for his actions. All it means is that he might think differently."

Ryuuen facepalmed at the unyielding nature of the man he was debating. Kanzaki seemed incapable of understanding the point that Ryuuen was making. Ryuuen wasn't trying to explain my actions, he was trying to explain that there was no point in Kanzaki trying to understand them.

"Kanzaki-kun, everyone has a different reason for doing things. Sometimes it's hard to understand that, and you just have to accept that."

"That's something I can't do, Kushida. Ayanokouji, and you, are my opponents at this school. If we're going to compete, then I need to understand how you think."

I sighed. He raised valid points, but refused to accept that his goal was impossible. I had two main focuses: win the class competition, while causing as many problems as possible. Those two seemed to be contradictory, which is why Kanzaki wouldn't be able to reconcile them.

"Don't bother trying, Kanzaki-kun. I've sat next to him for the entire year, and he's an idiot. You can't understand Ayanokouji-kun, and I've given up trying."

Horikita came to my defense with the best solution to Kanzaki's quandary. Just give up, she said.

"Yep, I don't understand him either, I just go with whatever happens. It's easier that way."

The entire group this time seemed shocked, even Ryuuen. To see both my classmates, especially Kikyou, who some people knew we had worked closely together, claim that I couldn't be understood was surprising. To have the faith and support of classmates, even if they couldn't trust or predict my actions in any way was a ridiculous situation.

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