Arc 2 Chapter 1 - Time Bomb

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It wasn't something I had expected to experience in my high school life, but once again I was sitting in my room listening to Kushida vent all her problems out to me.

This had happened a couple of times previously, but even so it was still an incredible experience to witness – to feel, see and experience such hate and anger from one person was not an ordinary event.

Yet I had become the one who listened to her.

Currently, I was sitting on a chair facing my bed, which she had claimed for herself, and was observing a restless demon thrown back across my mattress cursing obscenities and acting the complete opposite to the way anyone else saw her.

"I'm so fucking sick of them all. I want to vomit, just listening to them talk sometimes. Those bitches can't have a single original thought, all they do is parrot off each other, I hate them!"

Another spiel about Karuizawa, Shinohara and crew. Particularly them out of all the girls Kushida disliked especially, with many of her rants focusing on them. It was understandable for someone like her, who was reasonably smart and did in fact enjoy life, to feel frustrated, furious with spending time with shallow girls like them and have to act like she enjoyed it.

Because Kushida didn't have a choice. There was no other option for her but to get along with them. I still wasn't aware of why this was the case, but from what I had gathered, Kushida wanted to get along, be loved by everyone. The reasoning was still beyond me, but the basis for her actions was what drove her to such anger. It was a painful, suffering existence she lived, and the only freedom she had was when she vented to me about it.

"Hey, why do you think we didn't get any points today?"

That was unexpected. Kushida stopped mid rant, something about the 'morons with no restraint' and asked a serious question, all traces of anger gone.

"You heard sensei's explanation." And indeed, she had. The entire class had. This morning was the first of June, and we were supposed to receive more points, however none had been transferred to out class's cards. Many people were scared at this revelation, fearing that we had finally lost all our points and dropped down to zero, despite the effort put in over the last month to act well, but Chiyabashira had soon alleviated those fears.

She revealed that there was an issue with the school, and that's why the points hadn't been transferred yet.

In fact, we had earned more from our midterm results.

Class A 1088 (+98)

Class B 998 (+93)

Class C 817 (+87)

Class D 200 (+80)

All the classes had benefited greatly from the test papers I sold them, achieving most likely much higher results than they would have normally, and hence more class points.

It seemed unlikely that the school would reward the classes for midterms again, however, as it was always going to be heavily biased towards the higher ranked classes. In order for the competition to have any meaning at all, there needed to be some element of fairness involved, despite the initial difficulties for the lower classes.

"Yeah, but that wasn't really an explanation. She just said there was a problem and we would get them when it's resolved. It seems a little suspicious to me." Kushida has a decent mind when it comes to thinking through problems. "The most noticeable thing was that only class C and D didn't get points." Or perhaps it was the result of her information network.

I hadn't heard anything about class C not receiving points and had assumed it was the entire grade suffering from the issue. In times like these, having Kushida under my thumb was very valuable, as her social skills made up for my main flaw: a lack of said skills.

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