The Devil's Spring Part 19

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Issei looked slightly disoriented when he shook himself up from the rubble. Everyone  around him had started to wake up as the pressure in the corridor faded. 'Well iam glad thats over' Anos said in his usual matter of fact tone while Aisha was looking at issei in disgust recalling the bazooka nosebleed . Inside the room was a pool of water and set in it was a black throne. It was exquisitely carved and anyone could see that it was a fine piece of art. 'The throne Of Origin' muttered Rias receiving a surprised look from everyone around her. Baby Anos in particular looked rather surprised, Looks like someone paid attention to their history lessons. Rias blushed under the multitude of stares she was receiving she gave a small cough before replying in her usual haughty tone 'Its nothing, its an ancient artifact that's why my brother taught me a little about it.' Everyone smiled but didn't say anything to her. 'Ill need you guys step aside now, this might get a little rough'. Saying this purple flames erupted from Anos as his body became nothing more than a wisp meanwhile the carvings on the throne lit up as a purple light coursed through them. The image carved on the throne was clearly visible to everyone. It depicted the three races as well as dragon's and other creatures living peacefully and coexisting with one another. The throne cracked into two as a single drop of a liquid levitate from it. 'This is a drop of origin blood, you don't know how much trouble I went through to get this from the origin pool'  The drop flew towards pool of water and it turned a deep shade of crimson with serpentine dragons floating underneath its surface. Just then the castle wall's shook and Eleonore's mangled body came crashing through it. One of her eyes had been gorged out while large chunks of her body looked like they had been torn off. From the hole in the wall a figure came in . It was a middle aged man with a red dragon perched on his shoulder like a parrot. The two radiated a pressure that made even breathing difficult. 'Well well well if it isn't the demon king of tyranny himself, what do i owe you this honor for.' the wisp Anos chuckled in a very Anos like way 'you never get tired do you Jerega, even after all these millennia your still after your petty thoughts of revenge. ' the middle aged man's face turned ugly 'no matter, you have lost this war, one i gain control over the origin blood I will wipe out every last one of you dirty devil's'. Saying this he swatted everyone and descended into the pool. The red liquid flowed into his body and his vein's turned red 'What power, worthy to be called a drop of origin blood. ' Jerega cackled maniacally as power radiated out of him in torrets. Meanwhile Eleonore's body turned into little particles of light and swarmed towards the Wisp like Anos. Immediately his body flared up and assumed its original shape. The familiar cocky expression remained on his face without a trace of stress. 'Well this is unexpected I really didn't think you'd go out of your way to absorbe the blood' Jerega's face bacame ugly. He was dying to wipe the cocky look from Anos. A look he despised from the bottom of his heart. The specter Anos calmly floated towards his friends and Knocked them out before proceeding to sit on his broken throne his cheek resting against his hand 'Jerega Jerega Jerega as cunning as you are you lack knowledge about the darkness of the universe. Peer through the abyss and into your source and may you find your answer.' Jerega looked a bit perplexed and great red took a look into Jerega's source but immediately recoiled in fear his eyes crimson and vomiting blood. 'Hey Red what happened' Great red merey shook his head and immedietly started casting magic barriers around them 'Comeone Lizard surely you can do better than that, you arent going to survive at the rate your going' Anos lazily commented while casting several layers of magic reflection and reinforcement barriers around this friends and throne. Jerega meanwhile looked confused , Great red had been a being of decent power even when pitted against a monster like Anos. He was sure that even if he didnt win Red would be able to at least deal a good amount of damage to Anos. He finally listened to Anos and peered into his own source. What he saw almost made hi throw up blood. Burrowing into his own source was a worm, the most pulsating nausea inducing worm in all of creation. The beast was quickly working its way through his source while hundreds of eggs filled the empty gaps in it. 'What is this thing' Jerega was clearly panicking unsure of what was going on, the Overwhelming power he possessed just moments ago was rapidly depleting. 'Jerega the blood of origin isnt something that can be absorbed directly what you did is something even I would neer even dare to do. By now you have already been infected by Celestial beetle grubs. They will consume your source before they deplete this entire Reality of its energy. A foolish mistake unless you can tame them that is.' Hearing Anos's words Jerega's eyes lit up with hope and the malice diminished a little 'Red come help me with your aura i can supprese these things remember your contract'

Author Note: Yo guys whats up ik its been a while but hello. Iam honestly surprised at how well this book has done even tho i haven't updated in almost a year now. *MIND BLOWN* So heres the deal i just wanted to say ill try wrap up this book soon  and work on my other novel so i was wondering if I should make a discord your your guyses Opinion let me know what u ppl think. Your grandad signing out for today Byeeee

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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