Chapter Two

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Many long moments passed as I tried to blink. I heard scuffles and screams and singing from above.

Below came the gentle trickle of water, the cool slick muck sloshing against my face. I lay there, dazed, my eyes never having been in such a lightless place before. Eventually I heard my own breathing, harsh and rough against my ribs. Pain returned to me as I recognised the sharp jab in my shoulder. I sat up and felt the hard concrete floor beneath me, covered by a thin layer of water. I was in the drain, swallowed by the eyes of the monster.

It's okay, you are safe. But don't move or say anything. Please.

The voice in my head was hard to place for a second, and I remained silent as I puzzled over it.

Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere? The voice asked, concern that left me speechless. Who would care about me now, down here? I rubbed my bruised elbow, the only damage I had suffered in my fall. Was I dead, or was this all a dream?

Maybe I was dying right now, just outside my imagination, in the darkness of the tunnel at the hands of the monster.

Can you hear me?

The voice was curious now. I heard a footstep to my right and scrambled away from the noise.

Great, so she can't hear my voice, but she can hear my footsteps. This is going to be difficult. At least she hasn't screamed.

"I can hear you," I whispered, my voice soft and rasping, barely a breath of air.

Shh... the thought was instant, a voice cutting straight into my head. I winced from the shock of it.

Crap, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, honest. Okay, if you can hear me, listen carefully. I am not going to hurt you. You need to keep quiet. If you do, your brother will remain untouched by me. If you don't obey, I will easily snatch him up again. Then I will have both of you.

I hid my sharp intake of breath. For barely an instant the voice had sounded kind, like someone trying to save me from the monster. Now I realized that I had just misheard its meaning. It was just as dark and dangerous as ever.

I nodded, unsure if the monster could see me in the dark.

Good. Now stand up and remember not to scream. I am going to guide you along. One sound and I'll take your brother once again.

I rose, my body beginning to shake. Suddenly there was a sensation pressing against me, forcing my limbs to move where I did not want them to go. I pushed the sensation away, the black shadow indistinguishable from the lightless world.

Fine, no helping hand. Move.

Instead of a gentle command, something shoved me hard in the back. I staggered, my limbs tripping over air as more darkness rushed up at me. I wasn't surprised when my arms connected with concrete and pain shot up their length. Then something cracked and my vision went red despite the limit of my eyesight. I tasted blood in my mouth as I bit off the scream that threatened to force itself from my throat. I would not betray my brother.

That was my last thought as my memory was snapped from me.

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