Chapter Eighteen

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I woke suddenly, a feeling of dread sinking into my stomach. It wasn't even sunrise, though I knew the light from above was going to brighten soon. I'd no idea how light made its way into the dark underground cavern, but I'd have to let the mystery remain a little longer. I needed to get dressed and ready for the meeting.

Still feeling shaky from whatever dream had plagued my sleep, I moved over to the little chest at the foot of my bed, unlatching the thick clips. Swinging it open, I saw all the clothes I'd tried on when I first came here. I'd almost forgotten about them. I chucked on some jeans and a baby-blue sweater, surprised at its warmth. Then I left my room and walked down the hallway, cracking open Brady's door to check he was still asleep. He was curled up on his bed, one leg dangling over the edge.

"What are you doing?" Hazel asked, and I quietly closed the door.

"Just checking on him. How'd you sleep?" I asked. She narrowed her eyes.

"Not great. Did you even sleep, or is that too human for you?" she asked. I took a deep breath, determined to ignore her jabs and stay calm.

"I slept okay. Woke from a bad dream, but I can't remember it," I said just like I would have any other day before our lives had changed, "But I'm going to help out at that meeting this morning, are you okay to hang around here and look after Brady? Then once the meeting is over, I can show you guys to the seamstress. She has lots of clothes to try on and you can choose some with the starter funds. Though I think Jax grabbed some clothes from home for all of us, so you may not need anything."

"I noticed the stuff he stole."

"Mum gave it to him, actually. He asked in the hopes you'd feel more at home."

"How can I feel at home when I've been ripped away from my home and my family, surrounded by strangers and controlled by the monster in the drains that we've always been told to fear? I don't know whether you've been brainwashed or what, but this is all wrong."

"I haven't been brainwashed Hazel. I don't get why you're so against just trying to give this place a chance. Mum wanted you here, because she thought it would give you the best life and the best opportunities rather than sitting in our house until you marry only to sit in another house for the rest of your life after that. We have so much more freedom here than we did up there. I honestly thought you'd like it. I thought once we got you here and showed you around that you'd be happy."

"Well, I'm not. My sister is gone, my parents are gone, and I'm in charge of my little brother in a crazy world that I never wanted to be a part of. I don't think I'll ever be happy."

I sighed.

"Well, if you don't want this life, sit in this suite and never come out. If Brady wants to explore, me or Gemma will keep an eye on him. Just stay here and go back to your old life, trapped in your own world. I don't care."

I left her outside Brady's room, walking straight out the door and closing it behind me, much softer than I wanted to. I let myself breathe for a moment, and then I started towards the staircase, determining that I'd kill time and not use the darkness to teleport myself where I needed to go. I began walking.

Gemma fell into step beside me, and I grinned when I noticed her.

"Morning," she chirped.

"Good morning. I don't think I'll ever get used to how amazing this is. Hazel doesn't seem to understand. We can just walk out of our house, go out and do things through the day, see other people, work or enjoy life, and go home at the end of the day. It's like we're men now, with the freedoms of men, but even more, because we aren't constantly walking around in fear the instant we take a step outside. How can she not enjoy this?"

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