Chapter Fourteen

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When I woke, it was to the smell of eggs and...

"Bacon?" I asked, incredulous.

Gemma laughed from the little kitchenette, and before I knew what was happening a little whirlwind of child crashed into my chest.

"Goodie goodie goodie!" Brady exclaimed, his little arms so tight around my neck I could barely breathe.

"Hey little bro, I've got some serious talking to do with you," I said, hugging him close for a long moment before pushing him back, "You sir, cannot be going out in the world on your own. It's dangerous, and you're incredibly lucky that another monster didn't find you earlier."

"I know. But I thought the dark monster from before would be there still. He wasn't scary."

"That dark monster is one of only a few that aren't scary. There are many more that are. You know that now, don't you?"

"Yes Goodie, I know. I'm sorry."

"You gave mum a terrible fright, and what about Goldenhaze? She'll be worried sick. Now we are both here, she's all alone with mum and dad. You knew I was safe, why didn't you stay up there with mum and dad?"

"I missed you, and they kept acting like you were dead. I didn't believe them, and I got sick of them moping around. I just wanted to see you again. I can go back and play with Goldie, she won't be lonely."

"It's not that simple, little bro," I sighed, wishing it was, "I'm just glad you're here and safe now. And that we have bacon. How do we have bacon?"

"We have farms here," Gemma explained, "Can't get everything, but we do have pigs, chickens, sheep and some dairy cows."

Laughter entered my mind, warming me from the inside.

Eavesdropping on my thoughts again? I teased, sensing Jax nearby. He was laughing at my shock at the thought of bacon.

"I can't help it," he said from the doorway, "I've never seen anyone so surprised to eat bacon before. Do they not have bacon above?"

Gemma glanced over from the little gas stovetop, seeing Jax walk in.

"We get bacon once a year, on Christmas. It's too expensive otherwise," I explained.

"You two talking amongst yourselves again?" she asked as she served up, "Are you staying for breakfast, leader?"

He looked at her with shock. I could feel his mind turning, surprised she'd offered. He'd never had someone offer something so mundane to him before.

It's not hard to say yes. She wouldn't offer if it bothered her. I pointed out.

"If you've cooked enough and don't mind," he said.

"I always cook enough and I never mind."

She reached into a cupboard and grabbed an extra plate. Then she started to plop the plates on the little dining table in the room. Brady scrambled off my lap and raced over to the food.

Mum was okay? I asked Jax as I got out of bed myself.

She was glad Brady was with us. She's sad though. She may know you're both alright, but you're both out of reach now and no longer safe in her nest.

I'll visit her myself today, if it's okay with you.

I moved over to the table and pulled out a chair. Brady clambered up onto his seat, and we quickly dug in. Gemma had created a mini feast, with bacon strips, eggs and mushrooms spread over each plate. It was delicious, and took me back to memories of Christmas with my family.

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