Chapter Five

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"Usually I get someone else to show new people around, but you get the honour of having me as your guide," Jax smiled, but it seemed like a grimace. We stood on a raised landing, having come out of the endless tunnels and stairs to the open floor of the cavern. The market stretched before us, this section filled with food stalls and seating areas.

Various fragrances and sounds hit me; I knew I would like it here. My whole life I had wanted to get out of my home, go to the shops where my clothes came from and visit the bank where my father worked. I'd spent years reading all the stories from the past, when anyone could walk out of their house at any time. They never seemed to think twice about walking up the road and away from the safety of their home. It had been something I had always craved for, something I thought I would never have.

I stepped out into the floor of the lake. The earth had been compacted over many years but was still soft underfoot. My feet could feel the dirt between my toes and the vibrations of people walking about in front of me. I took a wary step forwards, seeing if Jax was going to snatch me back into the hallways. He just walked past me and stepped into the crowd. I rushed to follow, scared that if I didn't the opportunity would be lost.

The crowd parted around us almost subconsciously. Every seemed to be aware of who Jax was, but they didn't seem too bothered by his presence. Some smiled and waved their greetings, but no one approached him directly. I stayed glued to his side, my eyes constantly roaming over the various stalls around me. Everything seemed to be second hand or homemade. Jars of jam and pickled preserves were placed out in various containers, none identical to the those beside it. One stall sold old, disintegrating books, while another was trading any random items for any other random items. It was all so mismatched and odd.

Where do you get all this from? I asked Jax silently.

None of this is mine. My people find ways to live, many of them working here in the market. Everyone is given a package of essentials every month to live off, but the rest they trade for here. It is the same as on the surface. We have resources and jobs and services. The only difference is I ensure everyone is kept somewhat equal. Every month five percent of their total income is collected and I use it to buy stuff from the surface. It is then distributed evenly. That way my people are never hungry, and they can always afford to pay the tax. The richest people pay the most, but can easily afford it, while the poorest people pay little and can survive easier.

I could understand how that might work. He led me through the crowds and we reached a particular stall. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me gently inside. It was the first time he had touched me directly and I felt glad that he hadn't used his darkness. He dropped my wrist immediately and I looked around. The tent was full of clothes. Strings hung across the roof, draping socks and underwear like a washing line. Racks and shelves were stacked with more clothes. Even the tables were littered with swatches of fabric.

A girl pushed her way through the cottons and smiled upon seeing us.

"Leader, you have brought an upworlder?" she asked him.

"Yes I have," Jax answered and the girl smiled at me.

"My name is Fashion. I hope you are settling in well here," she smiled, extending her hand. I took it and she shook it gently.

"My name is Tempest,' I almost stumbled, my mouth forming the familiar words 'Goodweather'.

"So you need the basics, do you?" she asked, glancing at Jax.

"She can get whatever. Set her up for me," he said, then turned to me, "I'll cover the initial costs of settling here."

"Of course, leader."

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