Book Two: Chapter 21

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Huntar squished his eyes tight before opening them. His head burned, and he felt like his entire body was broken. After he rose on all fours, no pain rattled through him. "Kronos....."

He got up and stared at the corpses on the floor. So many dead.....

If they knew Cluster was coming, they would have been prepared for his attack. But it was too late.

Huntar rose over the bodies, glancing around. "Jenny? Jenny!"

Near the broken machinery, Zena and Torag got up. Burn marks were across their bodies, but they looked fine.

"Are you fine?" Huntar asked.

Zena brushed the dirt off her black hair. "We are fine." She glanced around. "Where is Jenny?"

"Torag?" The rhino asked, gazing at the rubble.

Huntar released a soft growl as heat rushed through his veins. "I believe Cluster took her, but I pray to Kronos she is still alive."

Zena approached Huntar and placed her hand on his shoulder. "We will rescue her, and nothing will stop us."

Huntar nodded with a small grin.

Behind him, someone moaned. Huntar turned around, spotting Krysta crying over Gojo's body. The young alien has a burnt hole through his chest as if a fireball pierced through his flesh.

He strolled toward her and kneeled. "I am sorry for your lost."

Krysta rubbed a tear off her right cheek. "Gojo was a mole..... He told the Krawls where we are."

"Is that true?" Zena asked, standing behind Huntar.

The pink alien girl placed Gojo's body down. "Yes, he told me before he died. He only betrayed us to protect his family. It was selfish what he did..... But....." She sucked in her deep breath, trying to fight back her tears. "I still miss him....."

Zena kneeled next to Krysta. "We all make mistakes, but that doesn't change who we are."

"And he had no choice. He did it for his family."

Krysta sniffed. "I know..... And I will make sure his family will remain safe."

Huntar understood how Krysta felt, consisting he lost a beloved companion who was like a father to him. Chief Barry.

Although not blood-related, Jenny's father taught him new things that changed his life. The importance of not being too reckless, and not being selfish for your own survival. If it weren't for Barry, Huntar would have died alone.

Krysta rose to her feet and rubbed her tears off her cheeks. "Cluster has Jenny, I assumed."

Zena nodded. "Indeed."

"Then he must be taking her to the space station where the Devastator is located. He will bring her back to your world and use her power to open the portal there. We must hurry before it is too late."

Torag smiled and punched his fists together. "Torag!"

"How will we get there?" Huntar asked.

Krysta smiled and held up her finger. "I have a spaceship on the rooftop. It will fly us straight to the station."

"What is a spaceship?" Zena asked.

"You will see." 

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