Book Four: Chapter 1

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Author's Note:

"Hello, War Beast is back to tie up some loose ends before the end. Since one reader mentioned I left a few plot holes after finishing book 3, I decided to write one more story arc to fill some gaps. Like, what happened to Horde when the humans captured him, and who caused the Transgate to malfunction? Book 4 will answer some questions and I hope you will enjoy this arc. I will post one chapter each day in the afternoon, except during the weekends. I felt like daily chapters are better then weekly chapters because most readers like to binge them whenever they come out. If I miss one day or a few, I will continue to post fairly till the last chapter. There might be some grammar errors, so please let me know if I missed anything. P.S, nobody sabotaged the Transgate. The scientists just made a minor error before Walter presented it. And the image above is AI-generated, made in Dall-e 3."

The morning sun peeked over the dense canopy of the pine forest, its golden rays filtering through the ancient branches. A tranquil silence settled over the forest realm-but it would not last.

In the distance, the faint beat of drums echoed like thunder, growing louder by the moment. Huntar's ears twitched at the ominous rhythm, and his golden fur bristled. He knew the cadence well - the war drums of the Poison Spear Clan.

"Here they come," he growled, his tail whipping behind him.

Zena emerged from the undergrowth, her battle staff clutched tightly in her hand. "I hear them. This slithering filth won't rest until they've burned the Pinewood village to ashes."

Torag stomped up beside them, his heavy footsteps shaking the forest floor. The towering rhino man grunted, his dark eyes narrowing at the growing cacophony. "Torag." Though he could only speak his name, his meaning was clear - they would defend their allies to the last breath.

Huntar rested his paw on the hilt of his golden broadsword, the weighty blade echoing with the echoes of a thousand battles. "Then let's give them hell, for Kronos."

They raced through the dense undergrowth toward the village of Pinewood. Nestled among the colossal trunks of the primeval forest, the clearing buzzed with activity as the Rabbit Beastmen scrambled to prepare their defenses.

Warriors in studded leather armor rushed to fortify the barricades, while archers tied arrows to their bows and took up positions in the towering branches above.

"Make haste!" Huntar roared as he burst into the camp. "The poison spears are approaching! To your stations!"

The warriors snapped to attention at the lion warrior's booming voice. Huntar, Zena, and Torag moved with practiced efficiency, shoring up the village's outer defenses and directing the flow of Pinewood soldiers.

No sooner were the final preparations made than the first ranks of snarling serpents emerged from the shadowy forest. Row after scaly row they slithered forth with hissing menace, the evil blades of their spears glinting like fangs in the dappled sunlight.

Leading the vanguard was a hulking figure, his obsidian scales gleaming, the razor-sharp edges of his armor fashioned from the bones and hides of slain foes. Vrak, chieftain of the Poison Spear clan and sworn enemy of the Pinewood tribe.

Huntar leveled his blade at the approaching warlord, a ferocious growl rumbling in his barrel chest. "Stand fast, my friends!" he roared to the trembling Pinewood warriors. "Their numbers may be great, but together - we are strong!"

With a guttural roar, Chief Vrak raised his armored hand and unleashed his warriors in a furious charge. The serpent horde converged on the village in a thunderous wave, spears pointed to impale anyone who dared stand in their way.

War Beastजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें