Book Two: Chapter 22

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Jenny sat on a cold bench inside the prison cell, wearing only a black bra and thong. Since Cluster brought her to his space station, his Krawl scientists performed uncomfortable examinations on her like a lab rat. Their computer stated she indeed has cosmic energy inside her body, which turned her into a power battery. They shocked her and took blood samples from her to determine how long she will last inside the machine. Although the Krawls didn't care about her life, Cluster's superiors needed to make sure she could keep the portal open for the Devastator. All Jenny could do was hope her friends could rescue her before it was too long.

On the other side of the blue force field, Cluster and two guards approached the energy barrier. They wore their armor-mech suits.

"It is time. Click! Click!" Cluster tapped the security panel, and the force field vanished.

Jenny sighed and rose off the bench. Although she has powers, she still couldn't figure out how to channel her powers quickly. It would be very easy to escape if she could understand them more.

After the guard placed handcuffs on her wrists, she followed them through the corridor from her cell. They entered an elevator and ascended.

While standing in the center, Cluster glanced at Jenny with a grin. "Don't feel ashamed, human. Believe you are helping us for a greater cause. Click-click"

Jenny glared. "A cause of killing innocent species?"

Cluster struggled. "Your species are not innocent. They have been fighting each other for long cycles. Click-click. I know my research."

"I am not one of them, but not all of them are violent! There are good tribes who avoided the fights because they only wish to live in peace!"

"Then how come I never detected them before?"

"Because they are hidden!"

Cluster made a bubbling sound inside his cockpit. "It doesn't matter. When we unleash the Devastator, all life in your world will be gone forever. There is no turning back now."

Jenny snarled. "Your species are monsters! You only care about yourselves!"

Cluster turned around to face her. He was bigger than her, but she kept her breath inside her throat.

"You think we Krawls are monsters?" He asked. "In the beginning, monsters preyed on us after we evolved from the waters. To survive, we had to build and conquer all our predators across the surface. But it wasn't enough when we realized there are other dangerous worlds with valuable resources. The more we conquered, the stronger our civilization grew."

Cluster clicked. "That is why we harvested worlds and assimilated species to grow our society. We wouldn't exist if we stayed in the ocean."

Jenny shook her head. "It doesn't matter. Your kind became worse than your predators."

Cluster laughed as the elevator stopped. "Sometimes you have to become the predator to survive. Click-click. Now keep moving!"

The guards pushed Jenny out of the elevator. She rose to her feet and continued through a corridor into a large chamber, where a metal platform stood beneath machinery. It looked like the same teleporter she escaped through with her friends, bringing them to Planet Dragus. Now she was going back to Earth, but only to bring doom.

A Krawl on a hovering chair stood behind the control panel, facing the teleporter. He turned around as Cluster approached him.

"Is the Devastator ready?" Cluster asked.

The Krawl in the mechanic chair snapped his claws. "It is ready. Click-click. Contact us when your gateway is open."

Cluster smirked. "Indeed."

He waved his left mechanical hand up, signaling the guards to move Jenny toward the teleporter. Perhaps there was no hope for Jenny getting rescued.

Suddenly, the left wall exploded as a space vessel's hull pieced into the chamber. After it stopped, a hatch opened, releasing air.

Cluster and the guards stared at the ship in shock. Even Jenny was surprised.

"What is that?" Cluster shouted.

From the hatch, Krysta, Huntar, Zena, and Torag jumped out. They landed on the floor together and faced the Krawls.

Cluster's eyes widened. "You!"

Jenny deeply smiled. She knew her friends would arrive and save her.

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