Book Four: Chapter 7

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The inky blackness of night shrouded the city, but Huntar's sharp eyes pierced through the shadows with feline intensity. His powerful frame moved with the silent grace of a predator as he led Zena and Torag toward the besieged bank on the roof.

Huntar narrowed his eyes down at the bank. This mission felt different. This time, he wasn't fighting for coin or conquest, but for something far more precious: loyalty to a dear friend.

Zena's striped form slipped past him, her movements liquid and purposeful. She caught his gaze, offering a curt nod—a silent acknowledgment of the gravity of their task. Huntar knew she understood the stakes as well as he did. Jenny's life was in danger, and failure was not an option.

Torag lumbered behind them, his bulk belying a surprising agility. The rhino-man's small eyes gleamed with determination, and his rough snout twisted into a grim scowl. Though limited in speech, Torag's actions spoke volumes of his unwavering devotion.

After climbing down from the roof, they neared the bank's rear entrance, Huntar raised a clenched fist, signaling his companions to halt. He strained his ears, listening for any sign of movement within. Only the faint whirring of the security cameras reached his sensitive hearing.

A soft vibration in his pocket drew his attention. Huntar retrieved the sleek, flat device Eddie had given him—a "cell phone," he'd called it. A message from the young human flickered across the screen: "Cameras looped. You're clear."

Huntar grinned wolfishly. With Eddie's expertise guiding them from the shadows, their infiltration would be undetected. He motioned for Zena to take the point, her lithe form ideally suited for bypassing any remaining security measures.

The zebra warrior moved with practiced precision, her deft hands working silently as she picked the lock. Within moments, the door clicked open, granting them entry to the darkened interior of the bank.

They advanced with cautious steps, senses heightened for any potential ambush. The stale air reeked of fear and desperation—the unmistakable scent of captives huddled somewhere nearby.

A muffled sob reached Huntar's ears, drawing him towards the main lobby. He peered around the corner, his stomach knotting at the sight before him.

Dozens of terrified humans cowered on the floor, their hands bound behind their backs. Masked figures paced among them, brandishing wicked-looking firearms as they barked orders at the hostages.

Huntar's gaze swept across the room, searching for that familiar flash of golden hair. Relief washed over him as he spotted Jenny slumped against the far wall, her head lolling to the side—alive, but unconscious.

A low growl rumbled in his throat as rage simmered beneath his stoic exterior. These fools had dared to harm one of his own—a transgression that would not go unpunished.

Zena's hand reached for his arm, her touch anchoring him. Her dark fierce eyes shone intensity, silently conveying a shared thirst for vengeance.

Huntar nodded curtly, his mind already formulating a strategy. With a series of hand signals, he outlined his plan of attack to his companions.

Zena tensed like a coiled serpent, cracking her knuckles. Torag pawed at the ground, his immense muscles rippling beneath his thick hide.

In a blur of motion, Huntar launched himself into the fray, his claws cleaving through the air with a feral roar. The robbers whirled in shock, their weapons discharging wildly as the lion warrior descended.

Zena materialized at his side, a whirlwind of strikes and evasive maneuvers that left her adversaries reeling. Her kicks cracked against the bone with sickening force, each blow delivered with lethal precision.

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