Book Four: Chapter 6

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Jenny gazed out the apartment window, her brow furrowed with concern. The meager supplies they had stockpiled were rapidly dwindling, and she knew they couldn't impose on Eddie's hospitality much longer. With a resolute nod, she turned to face her companions.

"I'll have to venture out and restock our food and other essentials," she announced, her voice steady despite the unease gnawing at her gut.

Huntar's tail twitched, his golden eyes narrowing. "Are you certain that is wise? Those humans could still be hunting us out there."

"I don't have a choice," Jenny replied, offering him a reassuring smile. "But I'll be careful, I promise."

Eddie stepped forward, his hazel eyes bright with determination. "I'll go with you. Two sets of eyes are better than one in case..."

"No," Jenny cut him off firmly. "If anything happens to me, I need you to be here and look after Huntar, Zena, and Torag," Jenny firmly interrupted him.

Zena snorted her striped tail swishing. "We're not completely helpless, you know."

"Of course not," Jenny said quickly, not wanting to offend her fierce friend. "But this is still foreign territory. Please, just listen to Eddie until I return."

With a reluctant grunt, Huntar inclined his head. Jenny squeezed Eddie's shoulder, her gaze softening.

"I'll be back before you know it," she vowed, trying to ignore the nagging doubts clouding her mind.


The city streets teemed with life as Jenny wove her way through the bustling crowds. Towering skyscrapers loomed overhead, their gleaming facades a stark contrast to the war-ravaged future she had glimpsed. She shook her head, forcing herself to focus on the task at hand.

Her first stop was the bank. With a deep breath, she joined the queue, her patience wearing thin as the line inched forward at a glacial pace. She drummed her fingers against her thigh, resisting the urge to check her watch every few seconds.

Finally, it was her turn at the teller's window. As she approached, the hairs on the back of her neck prickled, an uneasy sensation washing over her. Before she could dwell on it, the doors burst open with a thunderous bang.

Masked figures swarmed into the lobby, brandishing assault rifles and shouting orders. Panic erupted as customers and staff alike scrambled for cover, their screams echoing off the marble walls.

"Nobody move!" one robber bellowed, his voice distorted by the ski mask obscuring his features. "This is a robbery! Get on the ground, now!"

Jenny's heart pounded in her chest as she dropped to the floor, her mind racing as she assessed the situation. She had to find a way out, had to get back to Eddie and the others safely.

Seizing a brief window of opportunity, she darted towards the nearest exit, her feet pounding against the tile as she ran. Just as she reached for the door handle, a searing pain exploded in the back of her skull, and her world went black.

When she regained consciousness, Jenny found herself bound and gagged, slumped against the wall with the other hostages. Her head throbbed, and she could feel a sticky warmth matting her hair.

Panic clawed at her throat as she surveyed the scene. The robbers stalked back and forth, their weapons trained on the terrified captives. Jenny's gaze flicked towards the windows, searching for any sign of a rescue attempt, but the streets outside remained eerily calm.

No one's coming, she realized with a sinking feeling. I'm on my own.

Gritting her teeth, she strained against her bonds, but the coarse ropes refused to budge. A glimmer of hope flickered in her chest as her warm energy within her chest. If she could just concentrate, maybe she could call upon her power and—


A rough hand seized her by the hair, wrenching her head back. Jenny stifled a cry of pain. The wild, unhinged eyes of one robber glared back at her.

"Thought you could try something clever, did you?" he snarled, his rancid breath hot against her face. "Well, think again."

With a vicious backhand, he sent her crashing to the floor, stars bursting across her vision. Jenny tasted copper as blood filled her mouth, her cheek throbbing from the brutal blow.

Distantly, she was aware of the other hostages' terrified whimpers, but her focus narrowed to the sound of her own ragged breathing. She had no choice but to stay conscious, discover an escape plan, and give a warning to the others.

But as the seconds ticked by, their hope dwindled.


Huntar's powerful frame was rigid with tension as he watched the news broadcast, his golden eyes narrowed to slits. The images flickered across the screen—terrified hostages cowering on the floor of the bank, their captors brandishing weapons as they barked orders. And there, unmistakable even in the chaos, was Jenny.

A low growl rumbled in his throat as he caught sight of her face, pale and frightened. He could see the brutal way the robbers treated her, hauling her up by her hair with no regard for her safety. Rage boiled in his veins, his claws flexing with the urge to lash out and rend those who dared threaten one of his own.

"We have to go after her," he snarled, whipping around to face Eddie. The young man flinched under the ferocity of Huntar's glare, but he held his ground.

"Are you insane?" Eddie protested, his voice strained. "Those guys are armed—you'll only get Jenny killed if you just go charging in there!"

"And if we do nothing, her fate is sealed regardless!" Zena snapped, her tail lashing from side to side. "I, for one, won't abandon her to those humans."

Torag grunted his agreement, his massive fists clenching at his sides. Though he could not speak, his body language made his intentions clear—he would follow Huntar into the fray without hesitation.

Eddie dragged a hand through his tousled hair, his expression torn. "Look, I want to help Jenny as much as you guys do, but we need to think this through. We can't just rush in blind and hope for the best!"

Huntar turned away, his jaw set in a hard line. He understood Eddie's concerns, truly—but the thought of leaving Jenny at the mercy of those vicious criminals was unacceptable. She had risked everything to help them, to guide them through this strange new world. He could never repay the debt he owed her.

More than that, she was his friend—someone he cherished since her father died. He would not fail her as he had failed so many others in the past.

"Then stay behind if you wish," he rumbled, his voice laced with an edge of finality. "But I will not abandon Jenny to her fate. Not again."

With those words, he strode towards the door, his movements radiating a sense of grim purpose. Zena fell into step beside him without a moment's hesitation. Torag lumbered after them, his heavy footfalls shaking the very floor beneath their feet.

Eddie stared after them, his heart hammering in his chest. Part of him yearned to heed the voice of reason, to stay behind and let the authorities handle the situation. But a deeper part of him—the part that had forged an unbreakable bond with these fierce warriors—knew that he could not simply stand idly by.

Not when Jenny's life was on the line.

Cursing under his breath, he snatched up his backpack and hurried after them, his mind already whirring with plans and contingencies. If they were going to pull off this insane rescue attempt, they would need every advantage they could muster.

As the door slammed shut behind them, Eddie couldn't help but feel a twinge of trepidation. They were venturing into the unknown, challenging forces they could scarcely comprehend. But one look at the steely determination etched onto Huntar's face was enough to banish any lingering doubts.

They would face this threat head-on, just as they had faced countless others in their war-torn existence. And with any luck, they would emerge victorious—with their friend safely by their side once more.

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