Chapter 25: Deceitful cheese puff (pt 1)

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The increased level of caution when it came to Lucius' health was hardly a surprise. Rather, the fact that Anthony had agreed to help Lucius find the rumoured Cyril-person was a much bigger one.

"So remember, you need to match my father's attitude if we run into him," Anthony instructed as they walked through the BBT manor's ridiculously enormous garden. "I made sure to keep him busy all this time and he never had a reason to send for you, so that's your argument if he criticises you."

"I don't care if Damien criticises me." Lucius' lip curled at the undesirable advice. "He may be immortal, but he's also a human man. A human man who's not going to plant the portrayal of an inbred family tree on my chest, so I've seen worse."

Anthony smiled. It was in no way genuine, but he made an effort.

"Sounds like there's nothing to fret about then."

"I believe you will always find something to fret about," Lucius pointed out as he kicked at the path, stirring up a couple of pebbles. "So you might as well do the worrying for both of us."

"Oh, I already do," Anthony said in a voice of doom, and Lucius' lips quirked, but he tried to feel sorry for the worrywart.

"Let's hope for your mind's sake that Cyril has some answers then."

He looked forward as they approached the door, and to Lucius' astonishment an older gentleman had stepped outside, seemingly in order to greet them.

"Lord Hargreaves." The plump man gave Anthony a polite nod. "I was beginning to wonder if I had the day wrong."

"Last evening was a long one, Toma," Anthony replied, urging Lucius forward. "And there's no need for you to wait by the window for me. Rest assured I managed to get dressed myself."

Lucius snorted at that, and even the man he assumed was some kind of servant failed to hide an amused expression.

"And who might this young man be?" Toma moved on to address Lucius' presence, still with a warm smile on his lips. "Work acquaintance or... Friend?"

"It's not important," Anthony said, to Lucius' surprise and great displeasure. "Since I'm already late however, we shouldn't linger here by the door making small talk."

"Of course, my Lord." Toma bowed his head again and Anthony once again pushed Lucius forward.

"What the fuck was that?" Lucius hissed as they walked through the entrance hall. "One day we're in bed kissing and the other I'm 'not important'?"

"People should know as little about you as possible, shouldn't they?" Anthony glanced to the side as they passed by two men in the middle of a discussion. "No matter how things play out, Lucia is going to interact with most people working here, and every time they see Lucius they will compare the two more and more, and perhaps even wonder why they're never seen together."

"Splendid," Lucius commented dryly, acknowledging a maid on her way down the stairs while they were going up. Why did the place need to be so busy during the days? "No attention for Lucius."

"You wanted it that way, remember?"

Lucius scowled.

"... But I don't like being ignored," he muttered.

"I'll give you all the attention you want later," Anthony encouraged him, causing Lucius' ears to redden. "But let's not forget the situation you're in. It's distressing, but Cyril is our best option right now."

"Can't believe you don't know where he lives though." Lucius adjusted his sleeves as they reached the top of the stairs. "You oughta keep track of your friends."

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