Chapter 20: The daisies can wait

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How would Lucia react? Lucius could barely process his own reaction as it was. Had Lord Damien Hargreaves just suggested marriage? Had he actually proposed?

It was the absolutely worst proposal Lucius had heard, not that he'd heard many over the years. He'd been under the impression they were heartfelt, usually after knowing each other for a long time. Most importantly, were they not supposed to be a product of romantic feelings?

"Lord Hargreaves..." He had a feeling his voice croaked. "... I'm flattered, of course, but... We don't know each other. Not at all."

"That is of little importance," Damien said, raising his shoulders in a shrug and Lucius felt his shoulders slumping in return. What the Waste was this man on about?

"One would think such an act is performed between two people holding affection for each other."

"Yes, it happens." Damien's eyes narrowed, more in pain than annoyance, and he even turned them away for a brief moment. "But people get married for many reasons. Often for the legal perks tied to it."

Lucius was brought back to the conversation he'd had with his family right before that horrid birthday of his. They'd been hassling Seth about marriage, and how he was supposed to get married to a woman specifically.

For children...

Lucius swallowed, staring at his desk as the thought struck him. It would have been a way out, since they were both men, but as far as Damien knew Lucia was a woman.

"It's just..." He failed to hide a grimace. "... A marriage for legal reasons will still keep me away from a more... Loving one."

"You would have to play along in public." Damien looked back at him. "Other than that, I won't interfere with any partners you choose to have. I'm not interested in us as a romantic relationship, and I don't expect you to be either."

"Well it's still... A big decision." Lucius frowned. What was he doing? How hard could it possibly be to say no? Yet, the power he could obtain through this was not so easy to ignore. "Despite my private life out of sight, I would still be restricted in many ways."

Finally Damien seemed to catch on, and he shook his head.

"No children required," he said, possibly with a tone of sympathy. "I have a son, and I feel no need for another one."

Lucius' eyes widened, and he cleared his throat before assuming a composed appearance.

"That is also a concerning matter, isn't it? Even your son is older than me. I'm aware women often marry older men for financial reasons, but even so, an age gap like that seems a bit extreme." Lucius sucked in a breath. "Don't you think that perhaps your son would be a more viable option for me? He's a part of the BBT too, after all."

It wasn't a bad idea, Lucius thought as he considered the matter. He'd have the power of the BBT while not letting Damien do as he wishes. As a bonus, he'd get to be with Anthony as if they were married.

Heat rose to his cheeks, and Damien's forehead wrinkled, looking more troubled than usual.

"Even without the emotional strings of this union, my son has no interest in women, and I won't force him into that position if I can help it. Besides... I don't think he will stay in South Kerilia much longer."

"What?" Lucius blinked, trying to sound as casual as possible. "Why wouldn't he be?"

"With everything that happened... Everything that's going on right now, I think it would be better for Anthony to continue his work for the BBT somewhere else." Damien truly looked troubled, but Lucius could see nothing but malice in the man at this point.

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