Chapter 4: A frustrating heart to heart

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Lucius blinked, having expected a little more of an explanation from the man in front of him, but as no further words were spoken he had to assume Anthony wanted a reaction.

"You're... Immortal?" was all he could manage however. What was he supposed to think? His knee jerk reaction was to call him a liar again of course, but was Anthony stupid enough to make up such a stupid lie?

"It's more complicated than that, of course," Anthony continued, gaze falling to his desk. "But I suppose you had to know. You saw me get fatally shot twice and drown. Of course that would kill someone."

"How..." Lucius tried using his hands to help emphasise what he was saying, but then he wasn't sure what he was actually trying to say. "I'm just—I don't know how I'm supposed to believe something like that? If anything I'm inclined to think you're making fun of me."

Anthony hesitated, drumming his hand against the desk in thought, but then made a decision and stood up from his chair in order to remove his waistcoat.

Lucius' ears reddened and he quickly averted his gaze. It was not the direction he would have expected things to take.

"Here," Anthony then said, forcing Lucius to look back at him as he lifted his shirt over his stomach and chest. "I was shot, right?"

Lucius fought away flustered thoughts and scanned the torso in front of him.


There was no sign of even the slightest wound. Not even a scar in sight. Anthony's body was completely unharmed.


"Shouldn't be possible." Anthony shook his head as he let his shirt go. "But my body always heals completely, without fail."

"But—But why? How?" Lucius threw his hands out, eyes still fixed where the lack of bullet wounds had been. "How—How can you not be hurt? How can you not die?"

Anthony pursed his lips, eyes wandering towards his hand.

"I can't tell you." His voice was a mere whisper. "Too dangerous."

Lucius knitted his eyebrows.

"What, for me or for you? Because apparently you can't die."

"There are other things than death I'd prefer not to go through." Anthony met Lucius' gaze again. "And yes, even you could end up in danger."

Lucius shook his head, eyes wide by all the thoughts running about in his head.

"You can't expect me to be content with that answer."

"But I'm asking you to be." Anthony's expression was grave. "And I hope you realise no one can know about this."

Lucius tried to form a sentence for a long time, finally inhaling a deep, trembling breath in order to continue.

"Is—Is that why you didn't tell me you were alive immediately, then? Because you thought I'd tell everyone?"

Anthony sighed at his expression.

"Everyone had to think I was recovering for real, regardless, and I don't think it's odd of me to be cautious when it comes to sensitive matters like these."

"But it's me we're talking about!" Lucius gestured at himself. "Of all people, don't you think I know what it's like to keep secrets?"

A moment of silence ensued, to Lucius' confusion.

"I do," Anthony said, narrowing his eyes at him. "That was part of my reasoning as well."

Lucius blinked.

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