Chapter 38: The town built on wyrms (pt. 1)

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"I think that's about it." Lucius skimmed through the guest list with tired eyes. Planning an engagement party that he didn't want was a poor use of his time. He had far more important things to do, and while the party was an integral part of it, the details didn't matter much to him.

Except perhaps the guest list.

"I'm surprised you want to invite the Whitbrows," Bahman said as Lucius handed it over to him. "You don't exactly, uh... Seem to be getting along."

"I'm trying to bury the hatchet." Lucius smiled, hoping the malice in his words wouldn't show. "He's a promising merchant and I need to respect that, at least so we're on good terms business-wise."

"That's a relief to hear." Bahman looked genuinely relieved. "And I'm certain he'll be more than willing to accept too. It will be quite the celebration after all."

"With... A lot of people," Lucius agreed, gaze lingering on the list in Bahman's hand, and though his mind was still preoccupied by the longing for fires and debris, Bahman seemed to interpret it differently.

"I don't mean to overstep, but how..." His eyes wandered to Lucius' arm. "... How are things?"

"They've been better, if I'm honest." Lucius glanced down as well. While he was pleased with the way he'd hidden his healing arm behind a crossed fichu and ruffled sleeves, navigating his job and public life without anyone noticing had been a challenge to say the least. "You have my eternal gratitude for helping me hide it."

"I'm just doing the smaller things." Bahman smiled warmly. "It's a good thing you can still write."

Lucius' eyes widened in pretended horror.

"Dyris forbid it had been my other arm."

Not that the shoulder connected to his good arm wasn't scalded beyond repair, but at least he could use it.

Bahman's smile died however, and he rubbed his neck.

"So, I never asked what happened, but... He was not involved, I hope?"

Lucius hadn't even considered the idea. If Damien appeared as abusive, which wasn't too hard to imagine, and thereby considered unfit for Lucia then the marriage could potentially be stopped. It didn't matter at the time though, since there would be no Damien by the time of the wedding. When the mansion went boom, so would his archon forsaken painting.

"It's nothing to concern yourself with, Bahman," he dismissed the question, though he supposed admitting Damien had been involved would not be a lie. "It will heal in time for the wedding. We just need to make it until then."

Bahman was not convinced.

"What about the wedding gown?"

"I said it would be healed by then."

"Someone needs to actually sew it." Bahman reminded him. "They'll need measurements, and time."

Lucius had to at least pretend to be concerned. Measurements were a pain to deal with but if people found out, and by extension Damien, he'd be exposed immediately. From Bahman's perspective, it was a bad look that Lucia would understandably want to keep secret. Had it not been for the plan, it would have been a problem indeed.

"Well... We'll think of something." He made a face. "For now, let's focus on the party."

"There's not much more to do, I believe." Bahman looked at the papers and receipts on the desk. "You've done well in delegating tasks these past days, and your dress covers your injury, so I think all that's left is to wait."

"Yes, I should be heading out," Lucius said absentmindedly and looked out the window. "It's getting late."

"Of course, you need to get some sleep." Bahman nodded before preparing to leave. "Make sure not to strain your shoulder, and I'll see you tomorrow at the party."

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