Chapter 38: The town built on wyrms (pt. 2)

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Lucius pursed his lips as Telmo stared him up and down, frown deepening the longer she looked.

"Alright, that's enough of that," he finally said, and Telmo turned her attention to his face again, though it was clear she was still studying him.

"Sure that's gonna work?"

"Why, don't I look the part?" Lucius gestured over his dress. "We look pretty similar I dare say."

"I mean... I haven't really seen her up close, and you look... Fancy enough." Telmo tilted her head from one side to the other and squinted. "But do you think no one will recognize you? Not even those she works with?"

"It has to work. The real Lucia would be in danger if she's around when everything happens, and I need to be able to move around freely." Lucius found the conversation ridiculous. He couldn't look more like Lucia than he already did. "This is the best option."

Telmo snorted, and Lucius looked at her with disapproval.


"Not gonna lie, I'm curious how people would react if they saw the current you and your cousin running around at the same time."

"It wouldn't be funny at all. Only dangerous." Lucius shook his head in offended disappointment. "And I've told her to stay far away. This disguise can't go wrong."

Telmo only shrugged.

"Guess that would be a you problem anyway."

"Aw, were you almost worrying about me?"

"Well you haven't paid us yet."

"I'm moved to tears, I swear." Lucius wiped a fake tear off his cheek, careful not to actually touch his skin and risk wiping makeup away, as some of his moles were inconveniently close to his eyes. "But don't worry. You'll have your money, and no one's gonna find out about me."

"Better hope that's true." Telmo looked past Lucius before casually turning to walk away. "Because your boyfriend's here."

Disturbingly enough, Lucius would have hoped it was a cruel joke from Telmo and Damien was on his way over, but he was even more terrified to suddenly stand face to face with Anthony.

"What are you doing here by the stables, and... Isn't that one of your Reapers?" Anthony nodded in Telmo's direction, but fortunately Lucius was prepared.

"She's been helping her mother, the cook, out these past days. Which is fortunate because her mother suddenly fell ill last night."

Anthony hummed.

"Thought you weren't on very good terms."

"Well, she doesn't know it's me. We were discussing the new wine barrels."

"Ah." Anthony's gloomy expression eased up slightly. "Yes, I heard there were many."

"Just how Lady Marberry would want it." Lucius beamed innocently, once again able to pull off a ridiculous lie thanks to Catherine's eccentricity. "Maybe it'll even be enough for me to not remember this horrid day."

Anthony's mood sank again, as did his eyebrows.

"Are we finally going to talk about it, then?"

Lucius blinked with the same innocent face.


"You've been avoiding me for over a week, and Damien says you've 'most likely left town', so I'm assuming something happened... Again."

As much as Lucius would love the attention and pity party, he couldn't tell Anthony about the injuries, or Damien's threats. Not now. It would have to come after the explosion, avoiding the risk of Anthony making a scene and messing with the plan.

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