Chapter 44: A familiar voice (pt. 1)

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Anthony struggled to breathe as he closed the heavy door to his house with shaking hands. He couldn't believe it. After everything, he'd been discarded again.

It figured. Why would things suddenly change for the better? They hadn't for centuries, and any weak attempt to do something about it was pointless.

He looked around, trying to find a glimpse of comfort. Tried to listen for signs that Tom or Richard were home. The fact that they were mortal remained, and they would die soon enough no matter how hard Anthony could try to slow time, but they were all he had left.

"Richard?" his broken voice finally echoed when no one showed. "Tom?"

He just needed someone. He didn't want to be alone again. The dreaded yet familiar feeling was already stabbing his chest, and he sat down on the couch beside the fireplace to bury his face in his hands.

Why did he have to endure it? He'd begged. He'd threatened. He had shown every drop of despair that filled him, but even then, mercy was a privilege he'd never be granted. His portrait remained intact somewhere and would stay there to the end of days. Death would never welcome him no matter how many times he faced it. No matter how close he was to reach it. He was turned away every time.

And to what?

He was so easy to discard. As soon as Damien had gotten rid of the supposed mortal threats to Anthony's happiness, he stopped caring. He returned to his own goals. He just patched him up enough to keep him going, only to throw him aside.

And now Lucius as well.

Anthony hadn't meant it before when he claimed Lucius and Damien were of similar minds. He'd been engulfed by rage, panic and betrayal, and the idea that Lucius would never let him die either if he had the choice. It had been enough to make him compare them, but he hadn't actually thought the statement through.

Until now.

They just wanted him around, like some decoration in the background. His life was nothing but a fun pastime for them, conveniently placed for them to care about at will. He would never come first.

"Richard?" he croaked again as a hopeless wish.

"They're not here," an unexpected voice said next to him, but Anthony didn't flinch, nor did he bother to look up.

"I wish you weren't either. You can't just enter without permission."

"You've been avoiding me for long enough," Damien said before kneeling down in an attempt to face his son. "It's time we talk."

Anthony scoffed.

"And what would that amount to?"

"My hope is some understanding."

"You've already tried that." Anthony's eyes narrowed. "Many times."

"It's not just about understanding me." Damien gently removed Anthony's hands to look him in the eyes. "I'm trying to understand you."

Anthony averted his gaze, swiftly wiping hints of grief from his eyes.

"Pretty certain you've tried that before as well."

Damien sat in silence at first, but then continued his attempt with a look of frustration.

"It's different this time though, isn't it? Even you can't justify what he's done. Anyone should want him gone, not just me."

"You pushed him to it," Anthony reminded him with a low voice. "You would have killed him."

"And wasn't I right in trying to do so? Would you defend anyone else if they did the same thing as he did?"

The Judgement Of Divinity (TMOE #2)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα