Chapter 21: Enlightenment

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Even though Lucius had a hard time pinpointing his and Anthony's relationship, he liked to think they were close enough for Lucia and Damien's potential marriage to be rather upsetting. Not to mention Lucius' recent association with the BBT.

And Anthony was indeed appropriately upset, even two days later, and Lucius had tried giving him space enough to process it but it couldn't last forever.

Especially not that day.

"Anthony, time to get up," he therefore said while knocking on Anthony's door. "We gotta go soon."

He received no reply, but unfortunately there was no more time for sleeping, and Lucius opened the door just a little. "Can I come in?"

Anthony was still in bed, turning around to look at Lucius with heavier eyelids than usual. He only mumbled something as a reply and Lucius chose to take it as a yes.

As he thought about it, he'd never been in Anthony's bedroom before. He supposed there had never been a reason, but once in there he was curious to look around.

Surprisingly, it was a mess.

"Didn't... The cleaners take care of this room when they were here?" Lucius asked as he eyed the stack of dirty glasses and plates on Anthony's nightstand. He didn't even ask for permission picking up an assortment of differently sized pillows from the floor. "Do you need this many pillows?"

Anthony blinked, squinting to focus on the pile in Lucius' arms.

"Well they're all different," he pointed out with a shrug. "I need them in case I want to change how I sleep."

Lucius raised an eyebrow, but placed them down on a chair next to a small writing desk. He only spared the clutter of notebooks and abandoned projects a concerned look before returning to the bedside.

"So I gather you're not thrilled about getting up, but you promised to come with me."

Anthony groaned, eyebrows wrinkling and he turned his head away.

"Guess we're getting ready in bed then." Lucius shook his head and looked for a comb. He spotted a mirror further away and decided it was his best bet, but to his confusion there was no actual mirror inside the frame.

He frowned, grabbing the large thing to look behind it.

"... Why is your mirror facing the wrong way?" He placed the mirror back and turned to Anthony again. "Kind of... Completely defeats the purpose, doesn't it?"

"I know what I look like."

It wasn't like him. Lucius' surprised expression turned into a frown as he looked around again. Anthony didn't seem like the untidy, indifferent kind. Certainly not someone struggling to get out of bed.

"Just because your appearance is generally the same doesn't mean you can't get a little creative." Lucius walked over to Anthony's closet and opened it, throwing boundaries out the window. "Let's at least get you dressed."

"I'll just wear what I did yesterday."

Lucius scanned the nearby furniture to find whatever Anthony was referring to, and clicked his tongue as the man pointed down on the floor at the waistcoat he'd worn the day before.

"That's just a waistcoat," he said, frustration building up as time passed with little productivity. Then his shoulders slumped as the new pattern fell into place, and he pulled away Anthony's blanket. "You're still wearing your clothes in bed?"

"I'm going to wear them today anyway," Anthony argued, finally sitting up in bed as the comfort of his blanket disappeared.

"You're not, you have to wear your rhenelis." Lucius threw his hands out. "So help me find it."

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