Chapter 5

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"The land will burn red, the new moon will rise and the World will be in a Warrior's palm." The chant echoed in the food hall as the soldiers pulled back their chairs and took their seats. It smelled of strong spices today, the kind that were only delivered once or twice a year from the Greenlands. Leyla watched the kitchen staff set dozens of copper dishes on the three long tables that lined the chamber, waiting until they were all in place before uncovering the feast. Mounds of vegetables and chicken in the red creamy sauce drew the appreciative eyes of the hundred soldiers itching to begin. They watched the food, though a few glanced up in her direction.

Leyla sighed. She hated this ritual, but the recruits were new and teaching them to function past hunger was a lesson that could save their lives. The silence in the hall was interrupted by occasional coughs that grew more frequent as the seconds ticked by. She could feel more eyes on her now, knew from experience that some would be pleading while others would be angry or confused. It was almost the end of the day, and these first year recruits had been training purely on their morning bread.

"Lieutenant?" A girl from the table closest to where she was standing, mustered her courage to speak. Leyla ignored her, turning to the Sergeants who were standing along the walls.

"Sergeants, laps in the quad. Those who fall behind are sent to the climbing wall."

Turning on her heel, Leyla left the hall to the voices of the Sergeants barking for the recruits to get up. "You heard the Lieutenant! To the quad, move. Move! MOVE!" Although it was for their own good, this particular exercise always bothered her. It was probably because severe hunger reminded her of living in the Home. When the kitchen staff was short handed and couldn't spare a supervisor in the dining room, the orphans shared out her portion of meals amongst themselves. There had been times when she had gone without food for two, sometimes three days in a row before fainting and finally being fed in the medical ward.

"Hold it, Lieutenant Leyla!" Captain Leo of the House of Quartz was leaning against the wall just outside the food hall. His hair chin length on one side and braided on the other, he sent sultry looks towards the female Sergeants before fixing an irritated look on her.

Here we go. "Sir!" Leyla moved aside to let the recruits exit the hall then approached her superior.

"Sir?" Captain Leo put on a fake smile for the last of the passing recruits. "You still remember, I am your superior?"

"Of course, Sir!" She remembered well that the silver belt he wore had given him a position he didn't deserve. Lazy. Neglectful. Untalented. He was her superior only because of his royal status.

"Really? Is that why you were spouting your theories in front of the Council today without a single word to me?" Captain Leo took a step forward, his eyes menacing above his hooked nose. "Bone Eaters recruiting the Ra-Innu to test our defences? What a spectacular discovery ."

"You must have forgotten, Captain," Leyla stiffened her spine when he took another step forward, but she went on. "That I only obtained the information thanks to you. You were the one who asked me to look into the No-Lander pattern of behaviour these past few months."

That stopped him short. "I did?"

"Of course you did," Leyla nodded. It was incredible how predictable this man was. As long as he looked good in the end, nothing else mattered to him. "And that's what I told the Council when they asked what had roused my suspicions."

Captain Leo's brow rose, his lips curling into a smirk. "You know, Leyla, you're a clever girl." He took another step towards her. "Talented. Driven. Your figure's not half bad..." His fingers rose to catch her chin, but Leyla turned her face away. Captain Leo snorted. "If it wasn't for that hideous scar, I would even consider making you mine."

Leyla struggled to keep the disgust off her face. "If that is all, Sir, I need to get back to training the first year recruits." He grabbed her arm mid-turn. Every instinct in her body pushed her to move, to grab his wrist and fling him to the ground, but she bit her lip and held back.

"I heard Colonel Alec arranged the Council meeting for you. Is he trying to gain you points with the generals?" he asked, the venom back in his voice. "Didn't you tell me that he hates you?"

Of course, that would have bothered him. Her superior saw Colonel Alec as something of an arch enemy. After all, they were both allowed into the Officer training program because they came from royal families, but while the 30-year-old Leo had only just been promoted to Captain, Alec had risen to Colonel 2 years ago, at age 23.

Leyla pulled her arm out of his grasp, covering the forceful move with a tight smile. "Colonel Alec sent me to the Council because I was the most senior officer present at the ambush. If he intended it as support, he would have attended the meeting himself to lend his backing." And that was the truth. For a moment, Leyla had also been confused by Alec's actions. It had almost seemed as if he were truly trying to help her, but he had left her to her own devices in the meeting. Without his backing, she was uncertain how seriously the Generals had taken her findings. But that was neither here nor there now. She had said her piece and if she was proven correct, it would be a step towards thwarting Bone Eater plans and a step towards promotion.

"He didn't even attend the meeting he arranged?" Leo laughed, suddenly pleased. "Well that shows what he thinks of your theories doesn't it?"

"Precisely. Now if you will excuse me?" Leyla clipped her boots together and gave a short bow, taking advantage of his momentary distraction to escape.

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