Chapter 35

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"Where have you been, it looks like the King will make an announcement!" Michael hissed when she reached his side. When she didn't reply, he looked at her face and was immediately concerned."What happened, La-La?"

She had no idea what was wrong with her. Yes, meeting Leo again had set her on edge, but it was Alec's expression that she couldn't get out of her mind. She didn't want him to hate her. She wanted to tell him the truth. She wanted to thank him. And yet all she could do was lie and pretend. "I'm fine, don't worry."

The hush that fell on the gathering prevented Michael from further questioning. The six new Lieutenants hastily grabbed their swords from the ground as the King moved forward, beaming.

"Warriors and royal guests. I stand here today as a proud father!" The King held out his hand towards the Princess who was waiting nearby. "Come, stand beside me, Mira."

The Princess did as she was told, her flowing white dress swirling around her as she approached her father.

Delphine's eyes widened, then she covered her mouth to stop from laughing.

"Today I announce with utmost joy, that the Warrior Princess Mira is to be married to the most capable of Warriors." The King looked out to the crowd, then spotted his future son-in-law. "General Alec of the House of Steel!"

Cheers erupted from the crowd. Alec was getting married. He was going to marry Princess Mira. This was expected. All Warriors knew this would happen one day. What Leyla hadn't expected was the strange sadness that squeezed at her chest.

Warriors parted, allowing Alec to reach the King's side, unhindered. When he turned to face the crowd, his expression was blank. But his eyes... despite the distance, she knew that look. He was angry. Had they King not spoken to him before making the announcement?

"There's the jerk!" Michael spoke in hushed tones, watching the proceedings with renewed interest. "Looks like your General is going to be King soon."

"He will," Leyla agreed. The crowd kept whistling and cheering. No one seemed to notice Alec's stoic expression; all they saw was the man they all admired getting engaged to the prettiest woman in the Kingdom.

Alec would make a good King. She believed it, but despite the heat from the giant fire, Leyla felt cold.

"The land will burn red!" The King began the chant of Warriors. Leyla straightened instinctively, barely managing to stop herself from raising her fist to her heart. The clicking of boots filled the courtyard as the congregation finished the chant in one loud voice: "The new moon will rise and the World will be in a Warrior's palm."

The firelight touched Alec's strong chin, his high cheek bones, his officer braids, bringing them alive with orange and red hues. He was aglow. He was the sun, and the Warriors that surrounded him raised their hands to bask in his strength. She too had felt his warmth once. He had protected her, stood up for her, and had given her the first warm words of her life. Alright now, Green Eyes. You did well. Even now, he was the only one who asked about Lieutenant Leyla of the House of Kings Wards. She would never forget it.

"A useless emotion."

"What did you say?" Michael asked.

Regret. She understood what it felt like now. What exactly she regretted, she wasn't sure. But she felt it keenly. And realised just how useless an emotion it was. Feeling unsettled, Leyla turned towards the Keep. "We've stayed long enough, don't you think?"

Michael's eyebrows rose, but he made no comment on her obvious shift in mood. "I'll make our excuses to our host."

"I will join you, Curator" Lady Delphine rushed to say. "We don't want to get pushed into staying for yet another event."

"Are you suggesting this was my fault?" Michael frowned as the two of them bickered their way into the crowd. Leyla watched them for a moment longer, then looked up at the stars. Things had gotten complicated. Alec's suspicions made Michael put his foot down about leaving the Kingdom quickly. Leyla would have preferred to watch Tia for a while longer. She also would have liked to give Raphael more time to sever their ties, but Michael was right. Things could take a turn for the worse if Alec spoke his suspicions out loud.

It was almost time to say goodbye to this place.

"Lady Alessa?"

Leyla froze at the sound of the soft voice.

Tia came round to stand in front of her, a small wrapped box in her hands. She wore a flowing dress of bright yellow complete with embroidered butterflies. As few children were allowed to attend such festivities, Leyla had assumed Tia would not be present. Lady Isabelle truly favoured her.

"Good evening, Lady Alessa." Tia bobbed an awkward curtsy, "Lady Isabelle of the House of Steel sent me to give you this."

"Oh?" Leyla took the box, watching the way Tia smiled at the people around her. Gone was the girl who wouldn't dare to look anyone in the eye. Isabelle had undone years of abuse in just a few short weeks. How? Pushing away the sudden desire to ruffle the girls hair, she nodded. "Thank you for bringing this to me."

Tia's large eyes widened, her brows disappearing under a neat fringe. "Your voice..." she began, then she shook her head. "I'm sorry for speaking out of turn, my Lady, but you're so good at the Warrior language and your sounded so much like my friend."

"You're friend?" Leyla kept her voice neutral.

"My best friend in the world," Tia nodded, then her eyes filled with sadness. "But she left."

Leyla's heart dropped. "Are you mad at her for leaving?"

Up went the delicate eyebrows again and Tia was shaking her head fervently. "No, my Lady! The Lieutenant is my savior. She took care of me when no one else cared. And even when she had to go, she made sure I would be looked after..." Tia's lips quivered, then she took a deep breath and braved a smile. "I'm not mad. I just miss her."

"I'm sure she misses you, too. And I'm sure she living well and is grateful to you for doing the same." Leyla said softly.

"Do you really think so?" Tia asked quickly. "Lady Isabelle says the Lieutenant is living happily, but she wont tell me where and sometimes...sometimes I worry."

"Don't have a doubt. Your friend is well, I am sure of it." Leyla wanted so badly to tell Tia the truth. To assure the child that she was fine and not to worry about her. But she couldn't, so she distracted herself by opening the box from Isabelle.

Inside the neat packaging was a moon cake, a delicacy traditionally reserved for Warrior royalty. Beside the gift was a note: "Please, send us news of Lieutenant Leyla."

So there were two others who still remembered her.

"I don't like sweet things, but I would not want to insult Lady Isabelle by wasting her offering." Leyla held the box out for Tia to take. "Do you think you could eat this for me?"

The little girl's eyes lit up with pleasure and in no time at all, she had grabbed the cake with both hands and taken a smile bite. Bit by bit, she nibbled at the cake and chewed more times than the piece warranted. Leyla recognised the habit of one who was used to not having enough to eat. Some things would take longer to change, but Tia had already come a long way.

The girl would be fine, Leyla believed it, without a doubt.

It was truly time to leave.

Warrior's Heart (Book 1 of The Warrior Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now