Chapter 60

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The guards were not in their usual places on her way back to her room. Leyla thought it strange, even if they were changing shifts the corridors should not have been left unattended. Who had they put in charge after she left?

She was trying to tell herself that it was not her concern, when a shadow stepped into her path. Leyla took a step back, her hand going to the hilt of her sword when a sharp pain spread across the back of her head. She must have blacked out for a moment, because the next thing she knew, a cloth had been stuffed in her mouth and a scratchy sack covered her head as four sets of hands carried her away. She struggled against them, managing to release one of her feet and kick one of her accosters in the face. After almost getting dropped and a few more well placed kicks, she was dumped unceremoniously on the ground.

Ripping the sack from her head, Leyla recognising the dimly lit dungeon immediately.

"What took so long?" Princess Mira stood a few paces away, her angry eyes on the guards beside Leyla.

"Apologies my Queen," the one with the cleft chin replied. Queen. Of course! While Alec would be called the Crown Prince until the month was through, his wife was already given the title of 'Queen of Warriors'.

Leyla looked at each of the guards faces, surprised that she did not recognise any of them. One was holding his swelling jaw, another had a smear of blood under his nose, the third was watching his feet while the one with the cleft-chin, wore an inscrutable expression. The last Warrior was obviously the oldest of the lot, but even he looked barely sixteen. They were just newbies; new graduates who would have been used for menial work during an actual battle. Why would Mira send these guys to abduct her? Where was her actual guard?

"Your father must not know you are doing something so outrageous," Leyla guessed.

The Queen turned amused eyes at her. "Lady Alessa, do pardon my manners, I haven't welcomed you to your temporary home. This is the royal dungeon, although I'm sure that's not news to you, right?"

Leyla blinked, "I don't know what you mean, your Highness. Perhaps you aren't feeling well? We should call your maids..."

The girl let out peals of unamused laughter that made one of Leyla's young captors look away in distaste. "Are you really going to pretend with me, little orphan? Go ahead then, if it amuses you. I should allow you that much, since you wont live for much longer."

She knew! How? It didn't matter, that was neither here nor there. Escaping was the only concern. Leyla needed to find a way to get her hands on a weapon, and quickly. Four against one was no big trial on a good day, but the effects of both the Green King and Raphael's drugs were still in her system and would slow her reaction time.

"Your words make no sense and your you mean to start a war?" Leyla asked, rising to her feet. The guards straightened, alert now that she was on foot. Struggling against them had been a mistake, they were aware of her strength and less likely to lower their defences.

"Oh no, little orphan. You started the war, when you attacked our Crown Prince and then attacked his poor wife." Mira pressed her hands to her chest in mock fear, "I was so scared, Alec. She just went crazy and attacked me. I asked the guards to restrain her, but they were worried for my safety and one of them saw her raise a weapon..." She laughed again, but this time Leyla didn't wait silently for the ugly sound to end.

She turned to the guard on her left, "The Crown Prince will not believe her story. Whichever one of you kills me, will be punished. He will not want this war, and for it not to happen he will compensate for my life with all of your lives, because you stood by and let this deranged woman harm the Kingdom."

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