Chapter 45

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"Of course, General..." Morten looked baffled at the turn of events. He could not have been more confused than Leyla. Why was Alec not going about his business? Before she could protest, Tennin stepped forward once more.

"Consort," he cast a narrow-eyed look at Alec, before continuing. "The Prorex worries for your welfare the most and will not like us having left your protection to outsiders. Please make haste in your duties for our sake. Light Guard reinforcements will arrive in the morning. We will be here, standing by to take you home."

The Prorex worries for your welfare? Where on earth had the man come up with such unnecessary rejoinder? Leyla was puzzling over the strange look Tennin was giving Alec, when the latter suddenly put his hands around her waist and lifted her onto her horse in one swift move. "Wha -"

She bit her lip, to stop the angry flow of words. The Light guards had all taken a step forward, their hands on their swords. The Warriors lined up behind Captain Mortan looked seemed unperturbed but they had shifted their feet for better balance. What on Gaia was Alec trying to do!?

"Thank you," Leyla bit out, wanting to hit him with something.

The lout didn't bother to acknowledge her thanks, but the Light Guard relaxed.

"We are leaving," Alec spoke as if he was completely unaware of the mess he had almost caused. "Captain Morten, send a message to the Warrior Keep and tell them I will be delayed by a few days."

"Yes, General." The Captain blinked keeping his expression neutral. When Alec jumped onto the back of his horse, the Warriors of the outpost moved into action. Some led the horses of the Light Guards to pens, while others ran into the outpost, likely to make space.

"You don't have to go out of your way..." Leyla began as they set off towards King's Town. She didn't want to ask about what had just passed between him and Tennin, but she also felt uncomfortable using him as an escort.

"I have things to do in the Greenlands," Alec gave her a puzzled look. "Did you think I was putting myself out just to keep you company, Consort?"

"I..No, of course not." It was a lie. For some reason she had assumed he was just keeping her company because he wanted to. That was why she had felt so uncomfortable. Bloody Diya. Heat rising to her cheeks, she tried her best just to focus on her horse.

Alec sighed audibly, his eyes on the road ahead. "Your inexperience is going to be the end of me."

Inexperience? "I don't know what you mean, General! I've been riding horses for years." Leyla frowned, tightening her grip on bridal of her steed.

"The fact that you think I'm talking about horses makes my point precisely," Alec muttered.

"Wait for me!" Finn caught up to them and proceeded to chatter non-stop as they left the outpost behind and rode on through the large wooden gates of King's Town.

The Greenlands were not at all what she had expected. Thin cobblestone roads, single floored shops, bright stalls with painted signs and bright lanterns that decorated the streets; though packed with people, there was an unexpected peacefulness to the place. Greenlanders wearing shirts and trousers in a multitude of colours walked this way and that, shouting, buying, talking, selling. In many ways it reminded her of the water markets of Asch, where days were comprised of an endless stream of noise and monetary transactions.

"It's too crowded to ride," Alec said below her. She had been so absorbed by the sights and sounds of the town, she hadn't noticed him get off his horse. He reached out his hand to help her down and she took it without thinking. His fingers were strong around hers, warm and steady and he held on for a moment longer than necessary, sending her heart racing.

"You've been here before, right Alec?" Finn asked from her other side. They were all on the ground now, leading their horses into the fray.

"A few times, but it's been a while." Alec squinted at a sign in the distance, then nodded. "The tavern should be just down this street to the right."

Once they turned down the street, Leyla spotted the establishment immediately. The building was massive, standing two floors taller than all the surrounding shops, with thick tall columns at its door and a golden sign that read: Happy Time.

"What is this place?"

"It's where locals gather for food and entertainment, and outsiders come to rent lodgings," Alec explained as they drew up to the double doors.

Two men in red outfits with gold brocade ran down the steps to take their horses. Alec threw each of them a copper coin as they entered the building.

"Wow!" Finn laughed in surprise and Leyla knew exactly what he meant. Of all the things she might have envisioned, she had not come remotely close. The double doors opened up to one massive hall with a sunken seating area filled with tables for four and a wide stage. To the left and right, stairs led up to a mezzanine which housed a few rooms that had windows overlooking the stage. But perhaps the most stunning feature of the space were the dark wood rafters on the three-floor-high ceilings and the thick swaths of red fabric that hung down from them.

"Welcome! Welcome!" A woman dashed down from the left mezzanine, waving a feathered fan in her hand. She looked about fifty, but was wearing so much paint on her face that it was hard to say precisely. "It's a rarity to have outsiders in our little town, you are very welcome!"

Finn looked round the matron at the line of scantily garbed women that had appeared on the staircase behind her and his jaw went slack.

"We are looking for rooms to hire," Alec said.

The women giggled, waving their fans as if his voice alone had warmed them. Leyla rolled her eyes.

"Yes of course. Will that be three rooms, two, or maybe one?" The matron cooed, batting fake lashes. The implication of her words was lost on no one.

"Three please!" Leyla blurted out, sending the women on the stairs into another fit of giggles. They were starting to seriously annoy her now.

"But of course, follow me." The Matron indicated the opposite mezzanine, then she hesitated. "Will you be requiring any assistance from my girls? You seem like you might be interested," she tapped her fan on Finn's shoulder. The women giggled again, some of them calling out to the young Warrior:

"I'll be good to you!"

"Pick me."

"What about the gorgeous one? I'm happy to serve him for free." Said a redhead with breasts so large they were practically spilling out of her practically non-existent dress.

Leyla saw Alec look back at the woman. So that was what he was into? Fine. It was none of her business.

"Madame, please show me to my room. The men can take their time choosing their partners." Then without waiting for anyone to move, Leyla started climbing the stairs. She was angry, but she couldn't for the life of her figure out why, which just frustrated her all the more.

"Lady Alessa, wait up!" Finn called after her.

She couldn't be sure, but she thought she heard Alec chuckle.

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