Chapter 11

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Leyla rode the three-hour track back to the Warrior keep accompanied by Sten and Wolf. The Colonel had insisted on it, while taking the rest of his men and prisoner's on to Outpost 5. Honestly, Leyla was relieved to have put a bit of distance between herself and Alec after her embarrassing stunt earlier. It wasn't that he had said anything about the hug, but that didn't mean he wouldn't be mentioning it later. If she weren't so happy about the promotion news, she probably would have been wallowing in shame right about now. But as Leyla bid goodbye to her escorts who went to switch horses before riding out to join Alec and the other's once more, she could barely keep from smiling.

A cool breeze from Dead Man's Mountain greeted her as she approached the officer barracks from the south-end. While the sun was only starting to dip, the Keep threw the first-rank officer chambers into shade. No one was about as Leyla took the two steps onto the platform in front of her room; it was barely afternoon and training would continue well into the night. Pulling open her door, Leyla took a step into the chamber and froze. 

Two men were standing inside her small quarters, one leaning against the small desk at the foot of her bed while the other stood beside the only window. Unlike normal Warriors, their heads were shaved, and their expressions were as cold as the grey stones on the belts of their black uniforms. They were Shadows, the personal guards of the Warrior King that were rarely seen. Leyla knew they could kill her before she could ask why. Shadows were chosen for their speed. Every moment an officer spent learning battlefield techniques, a Shadow used to learn one more way to kill and kill swiftly.

They were not soldiers, they were assassins.

"Lieutenant Leyla, you have been summoned to the King's presence," the one on the left spoke, brushing an invisible speck off the grey crescent on his breast. The Kings presence? Leyla racked her mind for any reason that the King himself would want to see her, but could not find any. Had he been given news of the No-Lander prisoners and wanted more information? That might have made sense, but Leyla had just arrived, there was not enough time for the information to have reached the King even if Sten or Wolf made a report. She eyed the guards again and could read nothing from their expressions. They would not tell her the reason for the summons even if they knew it.

"Please wait outside while I change my uniform." The Shadows didn't move, but their eyes did give away their surprise. What kind of reaction had they been expecting? Elation? Fear? She had neither to give. "There is blood on this one," she held out her sleeves. "It will insult the King." It was unlikely that they could make out the stains in the dim light, but the one on the left nodded: "Make it quick."

The dark chest beside the top end of her bed contained her spare uniform. The happiness of a few moments ago had disappeared beneath nerves. While she had seen the King plenty of times from afar, he had never before acknowledged her existence, much less called her into his presence. She changed quickly, then re-made her braids and tied them back. It was a stupid thing to do, since wearing it that way wasn't going to make the King find the colour of her hair less noticeable, or less foreign.

The Shadows made no comment as they accompanied her through the well lit keep. Maids moved out of their way, soldiers halted to salute and curious looks followed them down the corridors all the way to the King's Hall. She had stepped foot into this Hall only once; the day she was promoted to Lieutenant. The Shadows opened the doors, letting the bright light from inside flood the corridor, then stood back indicating they would not go further. Leyla pressed her fingers into her palms, took a deep breath and walked into the warm room.

The King's Hall looked exactly how she remembered: the walls were decorated with bright blue fabrics gifted by the Greenlands, the floors sparkled with the rare grey-blue marble brought from the foothills of Deadman mountain and the black-stone statue of Tevvuk himself sat inside an alcove that shone with Land of Light Ice. There were dozens of court ladies and gentlemen spread throughout the room, all dressed beautifully as if they had gathered for a party. And yet, there was no music, no food...just the sound of uncomfortable shifting. Fear pricked the back of her neck as Leyla looked up to the platform at the far end of the room where the King sat on the Warrior throne.

"Lieutenant Leyla of the Kings Wards, step closer." His voice, like the lines on his face, was deep and unforgiving. The gathering parted, leaving her a clear path to approach. Leyla lowered her gaze as she moved, focusing on her breathing and falling to one knee when she reached the dias.

"My King, command me."

"Raise your head Lieutenant and hear the charge that has been raised against you."

Leyla's eyes shot up to the Kings, "Charge, your Highness?"

"Don't speak unless you are asked to!" The King bellowed, his dull blue eyes sparking with anger.

Leyla swallowed the apology that sprang to her lips. Then her eyes widened at the sight of Captain Leo walking onto the platform with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Repeat the allegation," the King commanded when Leo turned to face the gathering.

"Lieutenant Leyla of the House of the King's Wards fled the castle grounds without permission this morning. Although she has returned, it is impossible to say who she met while in No-Lander territory and what secrets she may have disclosed. Although I am her superior, your Highness, the type of punishment such a treasonous act deserves is beyond my judgement."

Gasps of outrage pulled Leyla out of her daze. This couldn't be happening! He was accusing her of treason?

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