Chapter 41

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The gong vibrated through her head. Her eye twitched, and she frowned. She wanted to sleep. Five more minutes. She was so tired. Gong, it came again sharpening her focus. She felt something cool and smooth under her finger tips. Bed sheets, of course. Gong. Michael must be trying out new musical instruments again. He was forever trying to find something new to write about in those journals of his! How annoying. She rolled over, trying to burry her head in her pillow. Gong.

"For Tevvuk's sake!" Intent on giving Michael a piece of her mind, Leyla pushed herself upright and froze.

The chair, the chest of drawers, the bed she was lying on, everything within sight was unfamiliar...she touched her fingers to her temple as memory returned. She had lost consciousness in the Heka's tent. How embarrassing. A quick look towards the window from where light was streaming in showed her just how long she had been out. Damn it! She pushed out from under the covers just as the door opened.

Serena wore a smile as she walked in, the crystals on her arms jingling with each step. She was dressed in a robe of pure green today, and the hooped earrings she wore brushed her shoulders as she moved.

"Walem. You're finally awake."

"Yes. I'm sorry about yesterday- " Leyla stopped talking as she stood up and noticed she was wearing a Healer's green robe. Someone had changed her? Her fingers went up to her neck, relieved to find the Prorex's ring still safely on its chain.

"You're dress was covered in blood," Serena placed the plate full of sliced fruits she had been carrying on a small table near the bed, then stepped back. "After you fainted, we treated your wounds and I thought it best to give you something clean to wear."

"Thank you," Leyla said, despite feeling anything but grateful. She didn't like the idea of being carted around and dressed by these strangers. Especially when she had no idea what they wanted from her.

"You have questions, that is only natural," Serena spoke as if she knew what Leyla was thinking. "Don't hesitate to say whatever is on your mind. In the Healing Lands we do not punish subjects for words they speak, only for their actions."

It was a strange notion, but one Leyla had read about when she was studying for the officer exams. Fine, if saying anything was alright, she would not hold back: "Is Finn truly healed?"

Serena laughed. "Most people would be concerned with themselves first. Why did I ask you to live with us, how did I recognise must be so curious, but you want to know about the boy first?"

"Yes, I do. Why did you save him?" Leyla asked, needing to see the answer in the woman's eyes.

"You do not trust us. It is to be expected." The Healer picked up a slice of apple, looked at it for a long moment, then put it back on the plate. "Finn will be fine. I saved him because that is what I was born to do. I am a Healer. If I don't use what I have been given, if I don't fulfil my purpose, then only a life of pain will await me." She levelled her eyes at Leyla. "I have been honest. Now it is your turn. What were you born to do?"

Leyla was taken aback by the question. What was she born to do? "I don't know," she answered honestly. How was she meant to know what she was meant to do, when she didn't know who she was. Had she found her father..."I was hoping I might have a chance at finding out...though I doubt if I will be able to now."


Of course, Serena would not understand. "You were born to these people, to your parents. Before you were old enough to question your purpose, you were being trained for it. That is how it is for most people, but I..." Leyla stopped speaking. She must still be tired, she was rambling! No good could come from telling Serena about her wish to find her father, to find out who she was and perhaps even what she was meant to do.

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