Chapter 58

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The moment Leyla stepped into the Great Hall, she knew there was something amiss. Filled with warm early morning light, the chamber should have been inviting. Instead, the cold room engulfed the five figures that stood at the dias with a strange heaviness. The Warrior King and his daughter stood side by side in their usual finery, the princess looking pleased with herself. Alec, who stood on the other side of her, seemed riveted by something on the floor while Raphael gave Leyla an encouraging smile. The most vividly emotional of the group, however, was the Green King who had turned bright pink at the sight of her.

"Lady Alessa!" The Warrior King called as she walked towards them, "I cannot believe we did not know ere now that you are engaged to the Prorex!"

His mood seemed positive. Too positive. It was obvious just from the Green King's presence that whatever he was told was a lie. Had Alec managed to convince the Warrior King that everything was a misunderstanding? Or was it Raphael who was scheming things again?

"Yes, Lady Alessa," the Princess Mira cooed. Normally a late riser, she looked admirably awake for such an early hour. "Why didn't you tell us?"

Leyla was saved from trying to formulate a response when Raphael stepped towards her, took her hand and smiled at the others. "You wouldn't believe it, but we Light people can be a little secretive at times." She felt his grip tighten for a moment in a gesture of encouragement while the Warrior King laughed.

"Indeed, indeed." The King looked to his daughter, then at Alec who had yet to make eye contact with Leyla. Was he purposefully avoiding looking at her? And why did she feel so weary?

"Well, I am just glad that all of you are here today." The Warrior King went on. Then he turned calculating eyes on the other King in the room, his tone losing some of its lilt. "The Green King, the Prorex of the Land of Light and his Queen-to-be, there couldn't be a better moment to have this wedding."


Raphael squeezed her hand in a reminder to control her face expression, but the Warrior Princess caught her look.

"Ah, Lady Alessa looks surprised and no wonder! You were not present at the beginning of our conversation." She spoke in the sickly sweet voice she often used in front of gatherings. "Since it will be nearly impossible to get such exalted company from across the Four Kingdoms together again, Alec - I mean General Alec and I have decided not to delay our wedding. We will get married today, in front of all of you."

A heavy weight settled on her chest as she turned to Alec. He was finally looking at her now, his light blue eyes full of apology. Why would he look at her like that? True, he had said he would get out of his engagement, true he had said that he loved her, but she hadn't believed it. She hadn't believed him. Not really.

Leyla tore her eyes away from Alec's and stiffened her spine. This entire time, she thought she was being careful, smart even, but the pain in her heart was making it hard to breath. Stupid. She was so stupid.

"Ah, there they are." The King said as two servants approached carrying a small table laden with two golden bowls and a piece of engraved dark blue material. "Put it down quickly, then ring the bell and notify all royals and officers to gather at the Hall door." The servants rushed to do his bidding, surprised that the King would ask for a gathering before most had made their way to breakfast.

"Let us begin, shall we?" The King turned his smile on his daughter.

They were getting married right now? Leyla watched numbly as the couple got on their knees and held hands, left hand to right and right hand to left, making the figure symbolising eternity. The Warrior King wrapped the dark blue material over their joined hands, then picked up one of the golden bowls and addressed the witnesses.

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