Alone Time

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Your smile was bigger than anything when you walked Hand in Hand with Tom through the Parc, all eyes were on you both with your Dogs. You were happy that Bobby and Loki liked each other, it meant that you and Tom had a real Chance as maybe a Couple someday, all you wanted was a normal relationship with him, but you you knew that could never happen, he was famous and you needed to live with that Fact aswell.

Your Head slowly fell against his Shoulder when you yawned. Tom smiled down at you, his Eyes showing the Love he felt for you, even if none of you would admit it to each other, you were deeply in love with each other. Its sometimes scary how fast one Night can change two peoples Lives. He looked at you "Is someone tired?" He asked with a soft and lovely Voice.

You immediately got a big smile on your Face when you looked at him "A little bit" you said in the same soft and lovely Voice, that made his Heart melt. "Well than I better get you home before you fall asleep here" he chuckled softly while he looked into your beautiful Face. You were smiling "But you stay with me right?" You asked while yawning. You didnt really see it, but on Toms Cheeks appeared a soft red tone, he was blushing.

He couldnt hide it, he was smiling like an Idiot since you asked him "Y-yeah of course if you want that" he said softly and looked down at you, gently holding your Hand a bit tighter as if he was scared that you would ran away. You smiled up at him, a soft chuckle escaped your Lips "I wont run away, I promise" you said in a really soft Voice that made his Heart melt for a second Time that Day. He leaned down to you and kissed your Head gently.

You started blushing again, you had a big Smile on your Face. You didnt really knew what you two had at that Point, but you hoped that it would never end. You were really happy when he opened his front Door for you, the moment you walked in you remembered the sweet and heated kiss you two shared here. You closed your eyes and relaxed just by the thought how he had touched you and made you feel like a queen.

You suddenly heard a bark, you looked into the Living Room, where Loki was barking at Bobby so he would play with him. Your little Husky was 2 years old, he was the best what behaviour belonged too, but when he wanted to play he would be stubborn and he never stopped until you played with him. You were lost in your Thoughts until the barking had stopped.

You came back to reality just to see how Tom played with your little Baby. You had a big smile on your Face when you watched them playing together, while Bobby was sleeping on the Couch rolled together. You walked over to them and grabbed a ball, you threw it for Loki when you sat down on the Couch. He came back and rolled together on the Carpet and tried to eat it, you chuckled and watched your Dog, when your Head fell on Toms Shoulder "Sleep a bit, seem exhausted" he said softly and played a bit with your Hair between his Fingers.

You relaxed immediately and smiled, your Arms slowly wrapping around his Waist, when you sat down on his Lap, both of your Legs hanging down from his left one, when you leaned your Head against his Chest, his right Hand gently rubbed up and down your Back, his Lips gently placing a Kiss on your Hair "Sleep well, Darling" he whispered while holding you on his Lap.

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