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DAVINA DID NOT want morning to come. She had slept at around 9 but woke up at 1 and could not fall asleep, so she ended up smoking and staring outside till 6:30.

She didn't expect anyone to be awake at that time, considering her experience with her Gryffindors but she couldn't say she was surprised to see a few up and awake.

She slid into one of the seats and poured herself a cup of coffee. She tried her best to be discreet but ended up pouring some whiskey from a flask into the coffee and mixing it together before consuming it. She sighed in utter pleasure at the bitter taste of the coffee and the burn of the liquor.

"Isn't it a bit early for that" a voice spoke and Davina turned to look at the redhead girl who sat opposite her. The girl opposite piled a bunch of bacon and waffles on her plate, munching happily on it.

"Heard you called Evans a mudblood" the girl stated. She said it so casually she almost assumed that she was a pureblood bitch.

"So?" She questioned, an eyebrow perched.

"Do you think people would find that kinky?" She asked, honest curiosity on her face. Davina had to pause to understand the question fully but found herself honestly astonished at the girl.

"I mean- I don't know?" She said, lost for words.

"Maisie stop bothering her" another voice joined in. Davina watched as another red slid into the seat next to her.

"I'm Blair and that's my sister, Maisie," she said gesturing to the redhead opposite her.

"Hello" Davina murmured softly, sipping on her drink.

"We're muggleborns" Maisie added, wiggling her eyebrows.


"Why'd you call Evans a mudblood if it clearly doesn't bother you?" Blair questioned. Davina knew that she had blown her cover but she wasn't going to back down.

"Cause... of her hair?"

"We have the same hair nimwit" Maisie scowled, looking at her red hair.

"Look, it's none of your business" Davina drawled, munching on a strawberry she had found nearby. There was a silence that had enveloped the trio but it wasn't necessarily awkward.

"You're hot" Maisie stated, analyzing Davina's face.

"I know" Davina smirked.

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