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"Harry," Ron whimpered, grasping Davina's hand in his tight grip

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"Harry," Ron whimpered, grasping Davina's hand in his tight grip. Davina squeezed his hand back in reassurance.

"Come on Ronnie! Just imagine the feast that's waiting for us back at Hogwarts." Davina reassured though it did nothing to calm the boy.

"Harry!" Ron yelled, capturing the attention of the other boy. He gestured to the spiders that were circling around the trio.

"If only Mia was here" Davina grumbled, swinging her wand out in front of her in defence.

"Ahhh" Ron screamed, pushing himself closer to the other two. Davina could understand his need. He was facing his greatest fear without words of encouragement or the safety of Hogwarts.

Suddenly, the Weasley's flying car rammed through the spiders and offered them a safe getaway from the danger around them.

"Come on Harriet" Davina shouted, shoving Ron into the back of the car and crawling into the passenger seat.

"I told you to stop calling me that" Harry whined, screaming slightly when a spider attempted to break the car window.

"Ahhh" they all screamed when they saw the army of spiders steadily approaching them. Ron was screaming so loud that Davina was tempted to knock him out but one look from Harry stopped her from taking any serious action. 

"Get it in the air!" Davina squealed, watching as one of the spiders was violently flung from the window. Harry let out a snort before turning to glare at her. 

"If I knew how to..." he glowered. "I would!" 

"We'll figure it out! You bloody defeated Voldermort, this should be easy as apple pie" Davina echoed back. 

"Mum if you can hear this, it was me who ate the plate of bacon last Sunday at brunch, not Ginny" Ron cried in the backseat. 

"I was a baby what did you expect me to do?" Harry answered, equally as frustrated. 

"Fred, It was me who ate the last of your secret stash, not Ginny" 

"I don't know? Cry!" 

"Charlie I know that you love dragons but I do not want a detailed description of their mating practices" 

"Fine then Vina! You do something!"

"Ginny, I'm sorry for blaming everything on you. It's nothing personal, you're just too young to understand"

"Why should I? You're the reason we're here anyway" Davina bellowed. Before Harry could respond, a sudden gasp was heard from the backseat. The two 12-year-olds looked to see Ron, as white as a ghost, clutching Fang to his chest and rocking. 

"Merlin! I'm going to die" he sobbed. His cries drowned out the sounds of the spiders that they had failed to divert the attention from. 

"Now look at what you've done" Davina scowled, reaching her hand behind to lovingly pat Ron on the head. 

"Ronnie dear, we aren't going to die because Harriet is going to fix up his mess," Davina said, looking at Harry with an overly sweet smile. 

"Ron, we aren't going to die," Harry reassured. 

"What if we get captured? Or eaten?" He whimpered at the thought. 

"Then we sacrifice Davina"


The two in the front continued to bicker. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary though, their relationship was just like that. It was concerning at first when they'd argue with each other for days on end and ignore the presence of each other. Many had tried to get involved, in either helping the pair or telling them off but all efforts were stopped when the two appeared to be closer after a couple of days. 

The car, that Davina had named Lary which had somehow caught on, was sick of their arguing and charged into the sky and into the safety of the Hogwarts grounds. Lary made a sound of pure frustration, well as much as a car could make, before throwing them out and driving as far away as possible. 

"Bye Lary!" Davina called after, only to watch the car speed away faster. She frowned slightly, before brushing away the dirt that was on her robes from the fall. She helped Ron off the floor and gave him a hug before offering a hand to Harry, only to let go of it midway. Harry fell to the floor with a grunt and shoved the bottom of Davina's legs, causing her to fall backwards. 

"Why you-" Davina started, straddling Harry and landing a hit on the boy who in turn defended himself to the best of his ability. They continued the fighting until they heard a loud scream. The two paused mid fight to glance at Ron who had a bewildered look on his face.

"You two are crazy!" he screamed. The two cringed at his volume, wondering if anyone would be awoken at the sound. 

"Ronnie-" Davina started but was cut off by Ron. 

"No!" He cried. "The spiders, and your arguing"

The poor boy was in tears. The two of course felt bad for their actions but were slightly confused. They brushed it off as the boy being too overwhelmed by the situation. 

"Oh Ron, we're really sorry" Harry apologised, before nudging Davina in the ribs, bringing an eager nod from her too. 

"No you're not!" he screeched. He stormed his way back to the castle, his red hair stuck in multiple directions and his robes a mess. They watched as he collapsed onto his knees and brought his hands up to the sky, yelling at it. 

"Please for the love of Merlin!" he begged. "Bring back Mione because these two are going to be the death of me!"

Harry and Davina glanced at each other before falling into a pit of giggles. The red head's eye twitched and he all but ran back into the safety of the castle leaving the two children outside. 

"So..." Davina trailed. 

"Yes?" Harry drawled. 

"I kinda expected you to drool on Voldie" 

"It would've been wicked"

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