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TODAY WASN'T GOING to be a good day

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TODAY WASN'T GOING to be a good day. Why? It was March 10th or in other words Remus Lupins birthday. There was a mutual understanding between the pair but she couldn't help the awkward situation she was placed in. Did she say Happy Birthday? Did she have to give him a gift? Was she meant to attend the party? 

She groaned into her pillow, rolling over so her face was up towards the roof. She glanced at the white ceiling with faint cracks lining them. Her eyes traced the cracks and she smiled, she know it was dumb but she could almost recall the very same lines. Or maybe they were different, she'd never know.

"Get up you lazy lump" Maisie squealed, jumping on top of the girl. Maisie's auburn hair swung like curtains around her face and her blue eyes shimmered with happiness. Davina took the chance to analyse her facial features, the freckles that laced her face and the slight crinkle of her eyes. 

"Oi are you listening to me?" Maisie whined. Davina shot her fingers up moving them frantically against the redhead's waist. Maisie shrieked with laughter and fell next to the girl. The two of them gradually calmed down just glancing at the ceiling. Their red and black hair mixing into an artwork.  

"It's Remus's birthday," Maisie said, probing herself up on her elbow. Davina hummed in acknowledgement. The redhead dragged the girl out of bed and forced pants on her before pulling her down to the common room. 

"Happy Birthday Remus!" Maisie squealed, jumping at Remus, who by chance happened to catch her. He returned the hug giving her a sweet kiss on the cheek and thanking her. Maisie beamed up at him before thrusting a gift into his hands. 

"Open it" Maisie demanded and all the friends watched as he opened the package. Inside, was a limited edition copy of 'The great adventures of Sherlock Holmes'. 

"Thanks, Mace" Remus stated, bringing the girl into another hug. He looked behind her and saw Davina standing at the bottom of the stairs, leaning on the rail. 

"Happy Birthday Lupin," Davina said, nodding her head. The boy smiled back before glancing back at Maisie, who had captured his attention about something she had seen the other day.

"Why the long face Evergreen?" Sirius cooed, swinging an arm around her shoulder. 

"There is no long face" Davina muttered. 

"Did you get our dear Moony anything?" James asked. 

In all honesty, Davina had got him something, but it was something that older him might've liked. She didn't know whether or not he enjoyed it now, but in the future, it was all he ever listened to. Davina shook Sirius's arm before heading upstairs and returning with a thin square gift. 

Remus glanced at the gift in apprehension. He had a feeling he knew what it was, but with Davina, it could really be anything. He slowly slid the wrapping paper off and inside he found a David Bowie Vinyl. 

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