Authors Note

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Hello my loves!!!

This book is going so well and unfortunately year 11 is a lot of work that I was not expecting. I will try to update as much as I can but I am extremely sorry for the late chapters! 

I just wanted to clear up a bit of confusion that may be going on. This is completely random but I was just thinking about it and I didn't want anyone to get confused. I know how annoying that can be when you're reading a book :(

This is a time travelling fic. Davina is sent back in time to the marauders era and decides to save the future. 

There are certain chapters that are written in italics. The italics symbolise memories from her past and just small filler chapters that I enjoy writing to help build Davina's character. 

There are also small bits in some chapters that have sentences that are in italics. These symbolise Davina's internal thoughts or a voice in her head. 

I don't know if that's confusing or not but if it is please let me know and I will change all the internal dialogue to bold instead.  

Thank you so much for all your support and the votes that you are giving this book. It means so much to me and I absolutely adore the fact that you guys like this book. 

I hope you're all doing great! 

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I hope you're all doing great! 



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