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CLASSES HAD BEEN a complete bore and Davina wanted nothing more than to learn something new

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CLASSES HAD BEEN a complete bore and Davina wanted nothing more than to learn something new. She'd already learnt all of this in the future and redoing it was doing nothing but putting her to sleep. So, as a solution, she skipped a lot of lessons to do reading in the library, most of the content being 7th year because she didn't really get much of a chance to study it properly.

She had gone through most of the library and couldn't find anything that could help so she decided that the next best thing would be to try the restricted section. There would be something in there about storing dark objects and hopefully, it would be of use.

So that night, when everyone was asleep, she snuck into the restriction section and sorted through as many books as she could.

"Why does the school even have this?" Davina asked herself, slightly shuddering at the book labelled How to Impregnate Women in 7 Different Ways. She continued to scan through more books until she came across one packed in the corner of the shelf, the book was labelled Dark Magic and Containing it.

"Well hello there" she whispered, grabbing the book and flicking through the pages. She scanned most of the book but came short of any information that would help her, until she reached the last page.

Horcruxes are incredibly dark and containing them can be impossibly difficult. It will take a lot of dedication and hard work in order to contain these dark objects safely. In order to safely contain a Horcrux, you must understand the theory behind it.

Read page 73-76

Davina attempted to find the pages but found that they were ripped out. She suspected it was the doing of a certain Slytherin from the past but didn't want to jump to any conclusions. She turned back to her original page and started to read again.

The following spells are necessary to cast a warding that will be strong enough to withhold such objects.
Tene Tenebris - This literally translates to 'hold onto the darkness'. This spell is used to hold in the darkness of the Horcrux as well as provide simple protection for the caster when using the container.
Level of skill (1-10) - 9
augere - This literally translates to 'increase'. This spell is used to maintain the spells used to hold the Horcrux and is important when withholding more than one Horcrux.
Level of skill (1-10) - 5
liber ab possessione - This literally translates to 'free from possession'. This spell ensures that when in contact with the Horcrux, the dark magic does not flood into oneself and harm.
Level of skill (1-10) - 10
dele omnia peccata - This literally translates to 'erase all sins'. This spell is a backup for the first one but is incredibly efficient and will help increase the strengthening of the wards if you apply both.
Level of skill (1-10) - 10
absconde ab omnibus quaerentibus - This literally translates to 'hide them from all who seek'. This is a harder and more sophisticated version of a notice-me-not spell. This spell will ensure that anyone seeking the object will be unable to find it and will be unable to identify it with any spell. The caster is the only one that can find it.
Level of skill (1-10) - 7

One must understand that Horcruxes are very dark and these spells will not withhold much longer than a fortnight and must constantly be applied in order to maintain the utmost protection.

After reading the page Davina realised that the spells needed were a lot more complex than she had thought but they would have to do for the time being. She tried to find a simpler option by scanning more books but came up shorthanded. She sighed in frustration, these spells were simply way too hard for her and she was sure that she wouldn't be able to do.

Just as quickly as that thought started it was shot down by her determination. She was going to ensure that everyone that she had lost and was not fortunate, wouldn't have to live that life. Not Harry, or Hermione, or Ron. None of them.

She continued to search and came across a book that didn't have anything to do with Horcruxes, but Vampires. The book was labelled 'The Vampire's hidden lusts'. Davina thought it was just a fictional book, something like Twilight, but when she flicked it open she realised that it was in fact a book written by a vampire. She kept reading it and came across a chapter that interested her.

Vampires and Werewolves

At first, she didn't think anything about it but as she continued to read on her interest only started to peak.

Vampires and Werewolves are said to be two species that'll never get along. Well, I can tell you now, that is nothing but a myth. In case you don't believe me, I married a werewolf, my lovely wife Serena.

The common myth is incredibly deceiving when in actual truth, Vampires cannot get enough of werewolves. The smell of their blood is highly euphoric and can cause heightened amounts of pleasure and euphoria. Kinda like a high, but without the drugs.

This makes it incredibly hard to interact with werewolves but can be covered up with a simple spell. It'll stop you from jumping their bones, but whenever in close contact, you will feel a need to drink their blood. It won't be as prominent but it'll still be there.

The spell is abscondam libidinem meam. The spell oddly translates to 'I will hide my lust', but it works so who cares? This spell does not need to be cast often and if you do cast it, it'll be once a month at least.

Davina thought she might as well try the spell. With Remus constantly around her, she didn't want to take any chances and accidentally 'jump his bones'.

"abscondam libidinem meam" she cast and felt the magic wash over her, it was like a warm blanket covering her but she had no idea if it would work until she came in close contact with the werewolf himself.

She suddenly heard the noise of someone walking by her and internally panicked. She ripped out the page of both books, which definitely attracted the attention of the witness, and chucked the book back on the shelf before rushing to exit before she was caught.

"Evergreen?" Remus questioned. He was doing his prefect rounds in the library when he heard the sound of someone mucking around with the books. He'd assumed that it was a 1st year completing dares with their friends like it had been the past 5 times but had to check it out anyway.

"Lupin" Davina nodded in greeting. The spell was clearly working because she didn't find the need to sniff him or be held by him. She attempted to spin around and walk away but was stopped when the boy cleared his throat. She span back around and turned to face the boy who had an eyebrow raised.

"It's past curfew" he commented.

"I am aware" she drawled, clenching her nails digging into her fingerpads.

"I'll have to issue out a detention" he muttered, gorging her for a reaction. She looked at him out of the corner of her eye and completely dismissed him, exiting the library instead.

Remus couldn't help but follow her figure. She walked with grace and power yet there was something about her that made him confused. He knew that the girl clearly had a strong dislike for him and his friends as well as Lily. Although she seemed to get along well with Maisie Charles, he couldn't figure out why.

Remus sighed, shaking his head to rid himself of his thoughts. Maybe in detention, they could find more about the girl.

He turned around and continued his patrol around the castle, his mind on the black-haired enigma.

Davina sighed in relief, Phase 2 of her plan was complete. Only a couple more left. A couple more.

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