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QUIDDITCH HAD SOON become a favourite of Davina's

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QUIDDITCH HAD SOON become a favourite of Davina's. She was really nervous for her first one and the team had lost that game but for the many games after she did relatively well. A lot better than she had ever been in the future. 

But Davina's favourite part of the game was the after party that took place whenever they won. The drinking, the dancing, the partying. It warmed her heart and filled her with life. Occasionally, she'd smoke weed with Maisie behind the couch but she often got reprimanded for it when she was hungover and that hurt more than it sounds. 

She had never been into this stuff before. Smoking had always been a dead given but when it came to alcohol and drugs it reminded her too much of everything she could've had. She'd hallucinate a blurry faced mother and father tucking her in, or braiding her hair and cooing at her.

Now the drugs made her feel like she was on the run again. The panic made her laugh and the dizziness was like the icing to her cake. It wasn't necessarily a good thing but it reminded her of what she was fighting for. She was fighting so that no one else knew what this feeling was. 

DADA was on today. Davina was worried for Maisie but the girl had reassured her multiple times that she was fine and Sirius would be next to her the whole time and that he wouldn't let anything happen to her. 

"Do we really have to go?" Davina whined. DADA was fun. Most of the time. But recently all the lessons were draining her and her will not to curse the ruddy professor of his feet. 

"Yes we have to go," Lily commanded. 

Davina let out a sigh but begrudgingly followed the rest of the group towards their allocated classroom. 

She tried her best not to let her distaste show when she saw the professor properly greeting the room, letting his perverted eyes run over the class. 

"Today my lovely disciples." she started, as the class takes their seats. "You're each going to receive front row seats to the grandest show."

The class looked at each other in confusion but didn't comment. 

"Who can tell me, the name of one of the unforgivable curses?"

There was a heavy silence in the room. No one made a move to answer the professor each still stewing in their own thoughts. The curriculum hadn't discussed anything about the following curses and didn't they need parental confirmation for learning this content?

"Anyone?" he hummed, spinning around in a circle. 

"According t-to the book I read," Lily whispered into the silence. "There's the imperius curse?"

"Marvellous Ms Evans" he cheered, his eyes glinting. He picked up a nearby creature, something 6 legged, and enlarged it so that the students were able to see the damage up nice and close.

"Imperio!" he cursed. The class watched as the creature spun and flipped around the room. Most of the class was laughing at the poor thing but Davina did nothing but stare emotionlessly at the board. 

"Come on Vina!" Maisie cheered . "Look at the funny spider doing a cartwheel! A bloody cartwheel!"

Davina turned her gaze back to her friend before clearing her throat, most of the class had turned to see what the commotion was. 

"Imagine being forced to do all of that without consent," she sneered. "This may all seem like fun and games but imagine if someone used the curse to make you drown your best friend or place your hand over an open fire?"

The class soon became uneasy and no one laughed anymore when the oblivious teacher continued to make the spider do flips and stunts. 

"That was fun wasn't it?" the professor boomed. "What's another one?"

"Well..." Sirius murmured, disrupting the silence. "There is the cruciatus case."

The teacher nodded his head. 

"Any volunteers?" he cackled. the atmosphere quickly changed but the teacher let out a bellowing laugh before claiming that he was joking. 

"Crucio!" he declared. The class watched as the poor creature twisted and turned, squeaking and squealing in pure pain. 

Davina's mind instantly was brought back to the times she was cursed through and through no matter how hard she screamed. She was forced to endure the cruciatus curse until she spilled where her best friend was hiding. But that day never came. 

"Are we done here?" She asked into the room. The professor looked at her with a raised eyebrow but released the spell on the poor creature. 

"I assume you'd like to give us the last curse, Ms Evergreen?" 

She turned her head and stared defiantly at the professor. 

"The killing curse."

The class watched as the teacher cast the curse on the poor bug but all Davina could see was Draco Malfoy's dead body.

She hadn't expected his death to hit her as hard as it had, but it did. She had loved him like a brother all those years ago and when he had died she had never expected it too engrave so deep in her conscience.  

"Davina?" a voice murmured but she didn't pay any mind. 

Her brother. Her Draco. He was gone for her and she had done nothing to repay him. He was long gone and she would never have that brother who hugged her to sleep when Lucius was too cruel, or sang to her when she was sad. 

She didn't notice the tears falling from her face until she looked up and saw Remus's face staring at her. 

She hadn't mourned the man that had given her this opportunity by sacrificing himself. 

"I'm sorry." 

She could only hope that he heard her. 

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