A Bad Fishing Day, Coach Robbery and Sheep deal.

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Arthur was walking around camp as Abigail called him.

Abigail: Hey, Arthur. Can I ask you a favor.

Arthur: Probably not.

Abigail: Very funny. Would you do something with Jack? He seems kind of down. All this upheaval can't have been easy on the poor kid.

Arthur: Why, because I'm your preferred nursemaid?

Abigail: Because he likes you and, well... you know his father's useless.

Arthur: *sighs* Okay.

Abigail: Thank you. Oh, and if Y/N can, could you also bring him? I think Jack is beginning to see him as an older brother.

Arthur: Sure.

He says before walking away and sees Y/N teaching how to grab and aim a gun properly to Alice.

Arthur: Hey, kid. You know how to fish? 

Y/N: Not really.

Arthur: Well, come on. I'm teaching you today.

Y/N: But I don't even have a fishing pole.

Alice: You can ask Hosea, I'm sure he'd let you borrow his.

Y/N: Alright.

Alice: I assure you when you come back, I will handle this even better than you expect.

Y/N: Sure.

Arthur: I'll be waiting by the horses.

Y/N walks over to Hosea, who was reading a book.

Y/N: Hey, Hosea.

Hosea: Yeah?

Y/N: Arthur and I are going fishing, and I was wondering if I could borrow your fishing pole.

Hosea: Sure. It's on my tent.

Y/N: Thank you.

Y/N gets the fishing pole and goes over to Arthur who was already on his horse with Jack with him.

Y/N: Oh, Jack, you're coming with us.

Jack: Yeah! You, too?

Y/N: Yeah.

Jack: Then this will be better!

Y/N: *chuckles* Yeah.

Y/N mounts up as they headed downhill of Horseshoe.

Jack: So, where are we going?

Arthur: Just, down to the river near here. We shouldn't go too far from camp.

Jack: Oh, okay.

Arthur: You feeling better, I know you were a little sick.

Jack: Oh, I'm fine.

Arthur: You're a brave kid.

Jack: So, just like you and Y/N.

Arthur: Well, I don't know about brave, and I ain't much of a kid no more. Maybe Y/N still falls in there. It was a tough few weeks in the snow.

Jack: I liked the snow.

Y/N: Yeah, it was cool, but not like that.

Jack: When are we going back to the other camp?

Arthur: The one near Blackwater?

Jack: Yeah.

Arthur: Well, we're not. This is our spot. For now, anyway. Why?

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