Robbing Veterans, Bank Robbery, Stars of the West(part.2)

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Y/N and Alice were sitting on a tree trunk that was near the lake as he was drawing.

Alice: These days have been busy, haven't them?

Y/N: Yeah, pretty much. Wait a minute, I haven't seen you doing much.

Alice: Hey, I've been hunting most of the time. Besides, it's not like any of you let me go with you on jobs.

Y/N: I... I guess that's true...

Alice: Exactly.

She playfully punches his arm before standing up and hangs a rifle over her shoulder.

Alice: Now, if you excuse me. I'm going back on hunting.

Y/N: Sure...

She walks away as Y/N continued drawing.

After a few minutes someone sits beside him as he sees it's Lenny.

Lenny: Hey, Y/N, how've you been?

Y/N: Quite busy these days. You know jobs and all that.

Lenny: Yeah, I'm sure. Now that I think about it, we don't know each other very much. How bout we change that?

Y/N: What do you have in mind?

Lenny: I found a place where we may find a pile of cash and maybe some weapons.

Y/N heard this as he got intrigued and put his journal back on his satchel.

Y/N: I'm in, but tell me more details about it.

Lenny: Sure, but I think we might need someone else.

Y/N: Hmm, I say Arthur, if you want something done, he's the right man to do it.

Lenny: Yeah, I was thinking the same.

As if on cue, they see Arthur walking nearby.

Lenny: Arthur.

Arthur: Yes, kid?

Lenny: Are you busy?

Arthur: Ah, just hunting for all this hillibily gold that Dutch and Hosea seem to think is out there just waiting to be stolen. Why?

He says while sitting next to them.

Lenny: I got something. Could be good.

Arthur: Yeah?

Lenny: Yeah, I was in Rhodes talking to some of the colored folk, they said there's a gang of fools holed up in the swamps east of here who think their war ain't never ended.

Arthur: The Civil War?

Lenny: Yeah, apparently it's still raging in these fools minds thirty years later. These ignorant fools are weapon dealers and in their dealings, sometimes sit on a decent pile of cash. Yeah, been selling weapons to Cuba and South America for years. Anyway, the old boy I was talking to reckon there might be a bunch of cash just sitting around. And failing that... maybe a nice stash of weapons.

Arthur: With just a bunch of crazies guarding it?

Lenny: Exactly.

Arthur: Well... worth taking a look at least, isn't it?

He says while standing up and Y/N and Lenny do the same.

Lenny: That's what we think. Said it was at some place called Shady Belle... deep in the woods.

Arthur: Okay.

They then walk over to their horses and mount them up as they followed Lenny.

Arthur: You got gumption, kid. If this is what you say it is. You been out there, chasing out opportunities, when you could've been...

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