Riele's Answer 🙈

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A/N: "My Fake Husband" is #1 in Riele three weeks in a row!!! Also, "Life of Fame" is #1 in Chenry. Thank you so much for your support darlings...💕




When Noah got on one knee and presented her with the ring, Riele's eyes grew big as she stood frozen to her spot.


"Say yes, baby" Noah coaxed her with a sweet smile while Riele simply stared at him in disbelief, her heart thudding in her chest.

She shook her head and looked up her father, who was standing there with a smile, waiting for her answer. Averting her eyes back to Noah, she gave him an icy stare and said, "No! No, I will not marry you, you bastard!"

Noah's smile turned into a frown instantly but before he could speak a word, Riele had turned and walked away quickly. Joseph was concerned about his daughter and so he went after her.

"Riele, sweetheart, what happened? I thought this is what you wanted" Joseph asked, utterly baffled by his daughter's reaction to Noah's proposal.

"What I wanted? What are you talking about, dad? Why would I want to marry a creep like Noah?" Riele retorted, trying her best to reign in her fury. She couldn't believe that her father would want her marry someone like Noah.

"Creep?" Joseph tilted his head and scrunched his eyebrows in bewilderment. "Babygirl, what..."

"Yes, dad, he is a creep, a jerk, a sadist, you can call him whatever you want. Did you know what he said to me earlier?" Riele yelled, a shiver running down her spine as she remembered her encounter with Noah.

"Sweetheart, I don't understand...." Joseph was interrupted by Howard who had come charging in like a bull in a China shop, surprising both Joseph and Riele.

"Joseph, what the hell is happening!? What the fuck does your daughter think calling my son names, huh!?" He bellowed, his face etched in fury.

"Howard, please, let me speak to my daughter for a minute and sort this out" Joseph said trying to mellow his angry partner.

"Yeah, you do that! What the hell does she think about herself? How dare she reject my son in front of all those people?" Howard was red with fury.

"Howard, please calm down. I'm sure it was all a simple misunderstanding"

"Misunderstanding!? Your daughter refusing to accept my son's proposal in front of all those people was a misunderstanding!? Do you even know how lucky your daughter is to be able to marry my son? Who the fuck does she think she is?" Howard was apoplectic.

"Howard, please don't talk about my daughter like that. I know it was wrong of her to call your son out of his name and I apologise for that on her behalf but I believe in my daughter and I'm sure she had a good reason for why she  had refused Noah's proposal. Maybe she isn't ready....."

Joseph turned to look at his daughter but she had already gone upstairs by then. Sighing heavily, Joseph turned back to Howard when Noah joined them.

"Son, did something happen between you and Riele earlier? She seemed upset...." Joseph inquired him.

"Oh, it was nothing, Mr. Downs. We just had a little argument that's all" Noah replied with a sweet smile.

Joseph nodded his head and turned to Howard. "Howard, I'm so sorry for what happened. Please give me some time to talk to my daughter and convince her about the marriage" He requested the haughty man.

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