When Jace & Riele met...😍

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A/N: Hi darlings! Advanced Happy Valentines Day...!!!


Jace had just put his daughter down for a nap when he got a call from Mr. Daniels. Taking a deep breath, Jace received the call and twenty minutes later, he found himself in Mr. Daniels' office. Jace couldn't stop the tears of joy when Mr. Daniels handed him the cheque.

"Thank you so much sir, I owe you" Jace was utterly grateful to the man for helping him in such a dire situation.

"Now, Mr. Norman, you know I already told you about the job..." Mr. Daniels began while Jace nodded his head, trying to push the horrific memories from his past to the back of his mind.

"Yes, sir" He replied in a small voice.

"Okay, so, the woman who has hired you. She is a very high profile client and I expect you to do anything she asks of you" Jack said with a warning. Jack knew he was taking a risk sending a newbie like Jace and he can't let him ruin his reputation.

"I will sir, I promise" Jace swore earnestly.

Jack nodded and gave him the room number where he was supposed to meet his client, and told him that he was to go there in the evening. After thanking the man once again, Jace went straight to the hospital and paid the money. He then spoke to the doctor who informed him that they will be performing the surgery on Monday and that he would be required to come the following day to sign some forms.

That evening, Jace nervously walked into the five-star hotel where he was going to meet his client. His hands shook as he stood in front of the suite room and tried to compose himself, he didn't know what awaited him on the other side of the door. Drawing in a shaky breath, he knocked on the door and waited, wringing his hands nervously. A minute later, the door opened and Jace's jaw dropped to the floor when he came face to face with the most beautiful woman he had seen in his life.

Riele, on the other hand, was both excited and nervous to meet the guy who took her breath away and made her heart flutter just by looking at his picture. When the knock came on the door, she literally pushed her friends, despite their protests, into the adjoining room and locked the door before rushing over to open the door.

She just stood there, frozen in her spot as she stared at the man she had hired to play her boyfriend for the next four weeks. She had to admit, he was even more handsome in person and those captivating brown eyes would make any girl fall for him in an instant.


Once the initial shock had worn off, Jace's face turned into one of confusion. He was genuinely puzzled as to why such a gorgeous woman would want to hire someone like him.

Shaking his thoughts off, Jace spoke hesitantly. "Uhm, I...I'm Jace Norman, ma'am" He said in a timid voice.

That brought Riele out of her trance as she blushed hard and said, "Ahh, y...yeah, yeah, please come in" She stepped aside so Jace could enter and closed the door behind him.

Jace walked in with trepidation, not really sure of what to expect. When Mr. Daniels said he had a female client for him, Jace thought that it was some perverted old woman wanting to torture him and satisfy their sadistic fetishes just like they used to back at the "home" but never in the wildest of his dreams had he imagined that she would be so young and absolutely stunning.

Riele sat down on the couch and gestured for him to sit on another couch opposite to hers. Swallowing hard, Jace obliged.

When Riele didn't say anything and instead kept gazing at him, Jace decided to break the silence. "Uhm, Mr. Daniels said that you hired me, ma'am?"

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